Sunday, November 26, 2006


So I have officially "adjusted" to my new sleeping schedule... Which really isn't much different than my old schedule...


Stay awake... crash...


Stay awake, go to work, crash...

but I am finding it hard to sleep past 11pm... after only 4 days, I cannot sleep in past my start time...

But I suppose I should get to the title of my post (because every once ina while I have a reason for the titles I choose)...

Last night I woke up, checked everyones blogs ('cept sharons... cuz she appears to haev broken her's again)... I then made myself breakfast and played a few videogames... Then I got bored... and checked to see if anyone had updated their blogs yet... which is silly, cuz I don;t know too many people assides from myself who would be updating their blogs between the hours of 2am and 6am...

But I did check... and I did check again...

I mean, there are some 30 blogs on my sidebar, so someone should be updating today right?

Yeah... it was when I checked all the blogs about an hour ago that it occured to me: "what the hell am I doing?"

And I thought I should share my lack of intelligence from the morning... Especially since I know most of you like to laugh at me (esp morgan and regan... they never stop laughing at me... so at least I'm considerate enough to give them good reasons)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey now! i don't laugh at you... well not much anyways... err... at least not without good reason...

DARN IT! i can't seem to make that believable (even to myself) :(