Friday, March 25, 2005

Kiddie Takedown

No you kid touchers, I mean fight.

Rules, VERSION 1.5:

- The arena you are fighting in is the size of a tennis court. The walls are padded.

- You aren't allowed to touch the walls or use them as a weapon (Bashing their head against the wall, etc.)

- When you are knocked unconscious, you lose. When they are all knocked unconscious, they lose. If a kid is knocked unconscious, or is in a physical state that does not allow him to continue, they are "out."

- I (or someone else intent on seeing to it you fail) get to choose the kids from a pool that is twice the size of your magic number. The pool will be 50/50 in terms of gender and will have no discernable abnormalities in terms of demographics, other than they are all healthy and aged 5-7.

- The kids receive one day of training from hand-to-hand combat experts who will train them specifically to team up to take down one adult. You will receive one hour of "counter-tactics" training.

- There is no protective padding for any combatant other than the standard-issue cup.

- The kids are motivated enough by their hand to hand conbat training to not be afraid of you, or any bloodshed they witness. So this way there is no option for them to chicken out and make it easier for you.

How many kids do you think you could take down?

I copied this from a forum i frquent... I thought it was genius...

So how many...

Considering my arm length, and my physical status, I thihnk I could get through about 20 or so before I succame to the wrath that ankle biters can forge...

How bout you?


neal said...

Does no one wish to reply?

I thought this would be great discussion...

Mandi Morningstar said...

Hahaha. i could take down hmm maybe... 3. those ankle biters can be bastards.. i mean. youv'e seen what mini me can do!

Mandi Morningstar said...

btw... neal. ive never laughed harder in my life. and i have this... sudden urge to go work at the local petro can... save me!

neal said...

Petro Can is Good (spoken with the most straight and calming voice possible)...

You don't even miss your loss of free will after a while...