Monday, November 08, 2004


To say that I am discontent would be an understatement...

I have achieved the level of November Blahs unlike any man has ever reached before... I wish I could go back to when life was simpler, unfortunately, I am well aware that no one with a 5th grade education gets very far in life... Wait a second, thats not true!

Every person I deal with in my daily life has a 5th grade education.. well maybe there is a genius or two who skipped grade 5, but everyone has indeed taken it... Perhaps there is hope afterall!!!

But before I drop out, and become the Edmonton Mole Person ( ) I figure I should explain...

I said yes to a musical... no problem, except I forgot how much time they take up... I didnt learn my lesson the last three times... Woe is me, eh?

Needless to say, by the time I'm done rehersals, the chances of me wanting to start right away on homework are slim to none... But I continue on... Blah!

But when I come back to my room, I am forced to deal with the imbiciles we call high school students... Those that i am lord and master over are dumb as tree stumps...

They keep trying to show me the hypocracy of making them go to their rooms while i continue my showering and TV watching... And I keep reminding them that I have their signature on a form that says they will abide by all rules set forth by concordia, and one of those rules is the 11pm room curfew... I also need to remind them that as a university student, I am not required to sign such a document and am free to spend my time doing whatever I please...

I have had to keep repeating this so many times... and not to everyone... to the same 5 people... Jeez, get it in your heads you retards! I am not going to change my opinion, and all youre doing is making me like you less, so that when you ask me to do something I would otherwise have let you do, I will tell you no... and I will do it with a smile on my face...

Oh, and they got their interm report cards back last friday... So there were quite a few upset parents, needless to say... (dumb as stumps, I kid you not)...

One of the kids was questioned about his grades were so low and why he was almost always late or absent from his first classes in the morning... He blamed me... Apparently I keep him up late with my wild parties and excessive noise... I don't even like the little fucker, I want to beat the shit out of him (and there are two things stopping me 1)I'd lose my job and 2)Beating him is a dream, and should I succeed in doing it, and I don't enjoy it as much as I hope, then one of my dreams would be a failure)... Sorry, back to my tale...

So the kid blames me (apparently telling him to go to his own room keeps him up at night)... Once more, the kid tells his mom a specific tale in which I kept him up 'till 4am drinking pop, listening to music and eating pizza... (I had a brief meeting with my boss because the mom thought it was horrible that someone hired to ensure that her son was getting the best of his education would be keeping him up at night)


I seem to remember the tale a little bit differently than he told his mother (not that I blame him entirely, I've dealt with his mom, she's such a cow)

I was out studying (yes, occasionally I study, don't act shocked everyone)... During my study period, I ordered pizza... We have a great little pizza place that has really decent pizzas 2 for 1... So I bought, and ate to my hearts content... I, by myself, could not finish two whole pizzas, so I carried them home in order to place in the fridge for later consumption... Approximate time 2:30am

Upon entering the hallway towards my room, I saw a light from an open door... Inside the room were several of the guys from high school, three were studying, one was working on art (he paints and draws and stuff) and one was chatting to the others (bet you can't guess which one is the focus of our story... heres a hint, it wasn't the studiers or the painter)...

Figuring they were already up, being relatively respectful in regards to quietness, and I was not on duty, I offered them the remainder of my pizza, offered a few cans of pop which i have stored in my room, and then went to bed...

What a bad bad man I am, eh? Keeping her satan child out till al hours of the night with my drinking and my promiscuity... Oh the humanity...

I hope things start getting better really soon... Boss has said that the kid will be suspended if he gives us lip... So I'm down with that, now all I need to do is find a way to get around the can't touch status that some of the kids have...

They're the preferred children to Boss... And because he hangs out with them, they have been manipulating him, and often get off with wrist slaps when they should be getting suspensions and stuff... Worse yet, they're playing me and Boss like two divorced parents... Except I'm the bad parent that never lets them get away with shit, and so I always find out later that Boss said it was okay...

Im sick of dealing with this...


Whoowee, how am I going to get to sleep tonight?

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