Sunday, December 19, 2004

Back in B(la)C(k)

So I am back, in the original home...

I'm Edmonton sick already, I'm so pathetic... Oh well, can't say i dont have my reasons, living around such wonderful people all day every day really lifts the spirits (even though the time from Seussical to the end of finals was complete and utter hell)...

I look forward to going back, but I hope that I can enjoy myself here as much as I can...

I spent most of the day at home sleeping, a passtime, I must say, I have thoroughly missed. I was told I had to be extra nice to my family... They weren't too happy that i forgot to call them on their birthdays... not that I actually forgot, I just... I dunno... I can honestly say that I have no emotional attatchment to them. So calling them wasn't high on my to-do list.

Oh well, woah is me...

Staying up all night packing appears to have been a bad idea... Completely destroyed and reseblence to a sleeping habit that I may have had... Lol... Sleep is for the weak...

I'm so weak...

It also messed up my appetite... I have barely eaten since I got home. As not to put a cap on my own stupidity, I have recently consumed quite possibly the worst "I haven't eaten in 24 hours" food ever... I kid you not, I drank a near litre of egg nog...


Oh, well... I look forward to church tomorrow! Its going to be fun, im also going for dinner at Jenns house tomorrow evening... Then I set myself into schedual to start work at petro can on monday! Its gonna be hella fun!

Gnight all


Alyson Sunny said...
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Anonymous said...

Are you dead? See i love checking out blogs and yours is totally one of my favorites! I don't have a lot of excitement up here on the north coast - so please blog again, for the sake of my daily entertainment.

Your Fan, :-) Regan