Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Well, now that this symester of schooling is (almost) done, and I will soon be making a few quick trips to cowboys before I go, I figure I should get abck into my old style of thinking for my return to Petro Can for the winter break...

I figure that I would complain (generically, of course) about my HS kids again...

Seriously, dumb as posts...

The RA's felt it would be nice for us to treat them out to a dinner, one that isn't cafeteria food. Now, I for one, would feel greatly honoured that someone would take time out of their busy shedual (we are in exams right now, and all the RA's are full time students) in order to provide some time away from campus and a decent meal...

But I kid you not, I heard so many complaints about how boring it was and how much the food sucked (it wasn't bad, honest)...

I wanted to yell... something along the lines of "I am not your entertainment, I am mearly here to ensure that you do not choke on your own toungues whilst you are away from the parents... whom obviously don't love you enough to let you go to a local school"

But I didn't... perhaps I'm getting soft in my old age... I'll be 21 soon enough... *sigh*

Oh well.. Time for sleep, I need to study in the morning...

Night all

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