Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I Remember Why I Don't go Outside

This morning was cold... Not really cold, but cold enough...

And I was stuck, relatively motionless, on a mower all day...

So, cold weather, humidity from the river, and inactivity left me... well... very very cold...

Now I know you're all thinking "Neal doesn't do weather appropriate clothing" but I assure you I had more layers on than 10 people put together...

But I found a clever little plan...

If I got off my machine every hour or so, took off my shoes, and put them so the exhaust would blow into them, the steel toes would heat up to a point where they would thaw my toes, and I would stop shivering briefly...

Very briefly...

10 or so days until my tattoo (woot woot!!)

and... yeah...