Thursday, September 21, 2006

Lost and Forgotten

Just a short story...

This morning I awoke to hear the most beautiful sound in the world... raindrops dripping outside my bedroom window...

This was followed shortly by the most horrible sound in the world... my boss saying "yes, we are working today"...

So even though it was raining, I had to go into work...

Worse yet, I get put on a deck mower and sent to the far side of the golf course...

Worse yet, once out there it started raining harder...

Finally after four hours of sititng by myself in the rain, mowing grass and leaving mud trails everywhere, I decide to head in and find out if there is something they could have me be doing that involved some form of physical labour... so that at least if I was miserable I would be active (and thus les cold)....

Upon returning to the shop, I am informed that everyone else had been sent home hours before... And they had just forgotten me where I was...


I died a little bit... but at least I got to come home...


Lauren said...

what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!

morgan said...

i know i laughed, but i really did feel sad for you! :)

neal said...

They felt really bad... so it was hard to be angry at them...

and besides...

the worst part was being on the 328...

melancholy meditation said...

You say you died a little bit...well I die everyday without you here.

Top that Mr. Roberts. Ha!

But I truly do feel bad for your misfortune. I'm sure your being over-looked was 100% unintentional

Anonymous said...

Neal, I felt so bad for you but I still can't get the image of you coming in the front door on thursday morning, soaking wet, shivering, saying oh so pitifully, "Amber! They forgot about me!"

I'm trying not to smirk right now, really I am!

Anonymous said...

since neal never updates anymore let me fill you in on his personal life...
well, lifes the same, i eat sleep and work... went on a date with a movie star last week...she wouldn't put out... so i dumped her....
the end
thank you

Alyson Sunny said...

What movie star? was she hot, or what. Neal....if it was not for the toga party, I would have thought you went for a space ride. Misses your cuddles.