Sunday, September 17, 2006

Lonely, Creepy, and Pathetic

This is an update for all those lonely creepy and pathetic readers that i have out there... you know who you are...

Maybe you're 40 years old, sitting in your parents basement, wearing nothing more than some tighty whities and a mustard stained wife beater...

Or maybe you're some 15 years old suburban white kid, wearing designer jeans and faux bling, bitching about how you're life is so ghetto one minute and bitching about how your parents won't drive you to the local strip mall so you can purchase the newest 50 cent albulm (and we all know you just ain't cool if your parents drive you in the bmw without the spinners)...

Or maybe you're the sister of one of my friends... and or readers... Perhaps you call your sister to ask her questions about me, or my blog, or my friends blogs... Do you dwell on the things you read? Do you complain when it's not updated regularly? Are you willing to accept the fact that you are lonely creepy and pathetic? Cuz many people think you are...


I'm a jerk...

maybe if you commented, I wouldn't think you were lonely creepy and pathetic...
(and really, you shouldn't feel bad about reading a public blog... if I didn't want people to read it, I wouldn't put it on the internet)


Astley said...

I'm not lonely, creepy and pathetic...I just like stalking you...hehe.

I miss you

Lauren said...

unlike Leah, i admit to be lonely, and pathetic (not creepy though) however not in any of the ways you've described . . .

morgan said...

you forgot to mention 'stalker'... remember?!

-J said...

Maybe we would comment more if you posted more.

Lonely- Yes
Pathetic - No
Creepy - Its all a matter of perception

Astley said...

Ok got me...I am lonely (and sometimes pathetic - especially when drinking)...But I'm not going to admit that the first is my fault! Stupid boys...we should throw rocks at them :0P (except Neal, cuz then he'd know I'm stalking him).

neal said...

I did forget stalker...

thx morgan...

Anonymous said...

glad i dont have a sister

Darren said...

You really shouldn't try and offend your could result in backlash.

I now hate you more.