Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's Not You, It's Me

I swear...

I know I'm irritable, I know I'm moody... Anti-social? me? not in the least... And from the sounds of it, many of you know as well...

I wish to be left alone.

Please let me be the one to initiate conversation and interaction, because your attempts are not succeeding (in part due to my attitude and in part due to your timing)...

I really do just wish to be left alone...

Quiet is especially appreciated...

I'll see you in December...


Anonymous said...

my first thought while perusing your blog this evening was, 'OMG! are you breaking up with us, neal?! *gasp* ', a thought which i'm sure was echoed by your many adoring fans (or at least those few who deem your site read-worthy :p hehe j/k)
but i was quickly corrected, and found that all you need is a little space (and of course, 3 weeks time)... poor little snookums is getting all caught up in the so-called 'novembers'. but, there IS only 3 weeks left, and THEN you can come see all our lovely christmas decorations!
oh ya... this doesn't count as bugging you, by the way. you can't get mad. well, i suppose you could... and be all like, "that darn morgan, SHE... IS... SMOTHERING... ME!!!!" but, it wouldn't last very long. i'm just too cute to stay mad at! what? i just said what you ALL were thinking. hehehe ;D

okay. i'm done now.
have a nice vacation neal... and make it worth it, december comes quickly!

-J said...

Take your time, we'll be waiting

Anonymous said...

Hey Neal

Well, I'm not going to lie and say that I won't miss you cuz I will and I do. But I understand that sometimes we all need a break from people (and the soap opera that is concordia and friends).

I hope that this time is....insightful? restful? I'm not sure what I'm looking for but I hope that you will come back to us rested and rejuvinated. And then you and I can look for crazy and obscure Christmas cookie recipies in December!

I promise not to bother you anymore (unless I have to. Like the house is on fire. or something)


Anonymous said...

AND....on a completely unrelated topic....
i'm just gonna say this once... ETHNIC!