Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Porn Stars in Training

So, continuing with my theme of things that can get you thrown in jail, some very young (maybe only slightly post pubecent) girls came into the store yesterday. I estimate their ages to be about 14 or 15. Now under normal circumstances this wouldn't be cause for a story, had these children not been of the skank variety.

You see, the generalization that children are getting sexually active at a younger age does hold some truth, as was the case with these girls.

You see there is something to be admired about a person who is confident with their body in all its flaws. Maybe not to the point where flaugnting yourself is acceptable, but when you don't feel you have anything to be ashamed of, theres no point in hiding it.

That being said, when you say "I'll show you my tits if you give me a free chocolate bar" IS NOT COOL! Your offer would have been refused even if you were a legal adult. I do not like to facilitate people in the prostitution of their bodies especially when said prostitution can get me in jail.

Oh, and for the record, giving me your number and telling me to call you after Im off of work does not make it better. In fact, it makes it worse. I WILL NOT GO TO JAIL BECAUSE YOU ARE A SLUT!

Wow... Some peoples children!


Anonymous said...

Can I have the number?!!?!


neal said...

Unfourtunately for you, I threw it out. Actually, I carried it around as a little trophy/proof that these eventsa actually occured... then I threw it out...