Monday, April 03, 2006

Daylight Savings

As I sit here downloading the newest version of my favourite videogame, I take note that it is 4 in the morning...

yes people... 4 in the morning..

I despise daylight savings... well.. I hate the spring forward part of it...

If only there was a way to speed up all the clocks in the world, so that every month we had a fall back...

Oh dear, I'd be in heaven..

Alas, no... i am left here trying to convince my body that the new time is the correct time... And in doing so, creating more stress on my already pissy body... which in turn, is going to keep me up even longer...

At least I can be productive...

i can...



never mind...

no productivity here...


So no progress was made of choir tour this weekend..

Thankfully most everything was already planned (woot) but I didnt hear back from the company in williams lake... which is dissappointing... as I need to discuss things before I present them to the choir...

And although I expect the discussions to go well.. it would be nice to be able to haev them about a topic... rather than me just sitting there going...

"so... umm... yeah..."

And as much as I LOVE looking like an idiot, a semblence of productivity would be nice to show off...

Speaking of which... I think I might need to go to the dollar store in order to plan prizes for the choir awards (since I can't forsee stumbling upon a everything is a dollar mart in Peace river...)


I suppose I should try to force myself to sleep...




Sassan Sanei said...

You still have October to look forward to for that extra hour's sleep. :)

If I didn't have a job/family/life, I would restructure my day to be 30 hours long. Awake for 20 hours, asleep for 10. I would wake up 6 hours later every day. Noon today, 6 pm tomorrow, midnight the next, 6 am the day after that. How perfect would that be?

morgan said...

but isn't it worth it to have that extra hour of daylight? i mean you could go out and fly a kite, or play frisbee, or go for a walk, have a backyard barbeque, the list goes on... ya, it sucks that you lose that one hour on one day BUT the benefits aren't so bad, are they?

Anonymous said...

Morgan, You must realize that Neal is from the Wet coast and therefore the extra hour (or any extra) light is foreign to him.

Neal, If you need to be in the old time zone, just go to the first town you hit in BC...problem Solved!

morgan said...

hey hey, i'm from BC too! ... and they still have a time change and therefore experience the extra light as well... at least that's how i remember it happening...?

Anonymous said...

it smelt like bc today in edmotnon...

Alyson Sunny said...

I just posted in my blog for you... read it!

crashklein said...

Good for you for planning ahead this year, oh King of Fun.