Tuesday, April 25, 2006


So today, my exams finished (yay!!!)...

SO hopefully everything I've had to put up with over the last two weeks can be put behind me (actually, Im pretty sure they will not be in my mind for a while at least)...

I'm writing this blog post because I'm being forced to... not because I want to... because some friends are too nosy... that's right, I said it... just because I can't see how often you;re on my nexopia account anymore, doesnt mean I don't know how much you want to control my life



So choir tour is in 2 days... I still have $80 on my meal card (I bought $70 worth of pop today... should last me a little while at least)...

Oh... and I have no idea what sort of games to play on choir tour... people keep saying they'll help (*hint hint*) but no-one is helping... Come now, people, even when you put a paper off till the last minute, you at least take the books out of the library in advance...

I know 2 of the things I want to do... I would like to have 5 more... So if you can think of a challenge (preferably group orientated) that can happen on a bus that is moderately competetive (I like competing almost as much as I like making people compete...)

Requirements for bus activities usually include:

1)no mess
2)moderate to little noise
3)not a lot of dexterity

I know!!!

Bus surfing... that'll be one (a very popular one if I do say so myself)....

I'm sure I can pick one person from each artificially created teaem to participate in bus surfing...

And then there were four...

Four more activities guys... I know there are at least 4 vice president choir people that read this forum... So hurry it up...



the end


Anonymous said...

I suggest bus curling... You could use pretty much anything you wanted and "curl" down the aisle. lol. Hey, you wanted a suggestion. :P Have a great summer!

morgan said...

you know... i could handle the 'squinto' comments, and i could even put up with a few 'shorty' quips, but i really think you've taken it TOO FAR with the nose attack... you don't see us going around saying that you're "too sandally" or "too tall", do you?!?! ya, that's what i thought! *pfft* :P

---play bingo on the bus! bingo can be VERY competitive and it's only messy sometimes and it's only noisy at the end of a round... it's the PERFECT game... seriously... no really, it'll be good. you should do that one. ;)

Anonymous said...

Okay i'm going to go ahead and suggest the 'guess who' game - where everyone writes something random on a piece of paper and you have to guess who said what - hey it's almost like the game 'Things' - which you probably adapt for bus fun actually... Things you shouldn't bring to a Potluck.... Things you shouldn't say to your billet.... that could be grand fun!

What about a back pack/purse scavenger hunt? You have a list of items and divide the bus into two teams (front and back, you stand in the middle) and its a race to see who can get the requested items to you as fast as possible.

I also heard about this game where you tie a gummy worm to the end of say 2feet of dental floss and people hold the non-gummy worm piece in their mouth and try to eat the gummy worm without using their hands - if this is confusing - just come and ask me to explain.

Hmmmm... I'll think more on it. I love bus fun - i'm a summer camp geek!

Have a blast on tour. Regan S.

neal said...

I think the last two will work (we did the guess who on mini tour)...

Thanks Mrs Regan

neal said...

bingo will work too...

I guess...

morgan said...

yes... bingo WILL work!
you guess? pssht!

we're working on something FABULOUSLY GREAT for the final concert... muahahahaha

Alyson Sunny said...

Oh i can not wait for the great concert........I am in on it to Morgan BWAH HA HA HA H AH HA HA HA HA. Games...... I spy!its fun, or the licence plate game of word=song game. ONe team names a word, and the other has to think of a song in a set amount of time and sing it. if they cant the other team wins. could get intersting