So it turns out a lot of people read my blog that I had absolutely no clue of...
And some of them may have had a few things to say about my posts of recent... Meh...
I'm slowly getting over the fact that the conservatives are in power, and I have resigned to the fact that they won't be able to get anything too crazy through thanks to the fact that they would need to convince either the bloc or the liberals to vote with them... *phew*
I have been, as of recent, making my stand in what I regard as an injustice. I'm not going to back down, and I may lose out on something I've really been looking forward to, but I already had quite a long meeting about it today and wish not to discuss it further...
This last weekend was handbell retreat... It was actually quite a bit of fun as far as ringing 4 bells and 1 chime can be...
Apparently my weaving and ring-clapper-grab-to-thingy are looking quite well... Our first 'performance' is this weekend... It should be fun...
Man oh man did my forearms hurt after ringing bells for so many hours though...
And the people in bells are nice enough... No complaints as of yet...
It was quite humourous, because someone brought up how much I used to hate bells (ha ha... used to... right guys?)
I quickly did a redirect...
Now, I would like to point out that I do not and have not ever hated handbells... I just don;t find them particularly entertaining for more than about... I don't know... ten minutes at a time... but there a lot of fun to play... And a lot of the things I've ever said about bells have been reactionary to annoying people or annoying actions carried out by people in the handbells ensemble... and not necessarily the handbells themselves...
Anyways... Tonight is my B-Day bash... At Ezzies... No personal invites, but if you can come, you're welcome to!
My goal is to make it to midnight... but ezzies has not been kind to birthday revelers in the past... So wish me the best!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
A Progressive World?
A proposal to ban interracial marriage in Colorado would do so with the simple phrase, "only a union of one white man and one white woman shall be valid or recognized as marriage in this state."
The phrase would be added to the state's constitution if a proposal by a coalition of religious and conservative leaders is passed by voters in November, according to a copy of the language obtained by The Denver Post and published Thursday.
A purpose statement that makes a case for the amendment says marriage between one white man and one white woman is rooted in centuries of tradition, is best for children, and protects Coloradans from "activist judges."
"People have the right to form relationships that are meaningful to them as they may choose; however, they do not have the right to redefine marriage for all of us," the statement reads.
It also says the amendment would not discriminate or prevent anyone from receiving benefits available under current law, or prohibit laws.
Tom Minnery, senior vice president of Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, predicted the anti-interracial marriage initiative will not be easy to pass.
"I do believe it will be divisive, and I do believe it will be high-profile," Minnery said. "But the fact is that God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix."
Focus on the Family, the National Association of Evangelicals and the lobbying arm of the Roman Catholic Church in Colorado, are part of the coalition. They'll need 68,000 signatures for the proposal to be placed on the ballot.
Sean Duffy, former deputy chief of staff to Republican Gov. Bill Owens, is coordinating the campaign to fight the initiative. He said he has been contacted by numerous conservative Republicans "who are concerned about discrimination and who also feel that there are other issues that Colorado really needs to focus on at this point, and feel that a constitutional amendment to put discrimination into the constitution is not the best use of everybody's time."
In related news, the state of Virginia moved a step closer to amending its 230-year-old Bill of Rights to ban interracial marriage on Wednesday when the state Senate voted 28 to 11 to follow the House of Delegates in approving the measure. A referendum on the matter is expected in November.
The phrase would be added to the state's constitution if a proposal by a coalition of religious and conservative leaders is passed by voters in November, according to a copy of the language obtained by The Denver Post and published Thursday.
A purpose statement that makes a case for the amendment says marriage between one white man and one white woman is rooted in centuries of tradition, is best for children, and protects Coloradans from "activist judges."
"People have the right to form relationships that are meaningful to them as they may choose; however, they do not have the right to redefine marriage for all of us," the statement reads.
It also says the amendment would not discriminate or prevent anyone from receiving benefits available under current law, or prohibit laws.
Tom Minnery, senior vice president of Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, predicted the anti-interracial marriage initiative will not be easy to pass.
"I do believe it will be divisive, and I do believe it will be high-profile," Minnery said. "But the fact is that God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix."
Focus on the Family, the National Association of Evangelicals and the lobbying arm of the Roman Catholic Church in Colorado, are part of the coalition. They'll need 68,000 signatures for the proposal to be placed on the ballot.
Sean Duffy, former deputy chief of staff to Republican Gov. Bill Owens, is coordinating the campaign to fight the initiative. He said he has been contacted by numerous conservative Republicans "who are concerned about discrimination and who also feel that there are other issues that Colorado really needs to focus on at this point, and feel that a constitutional amendment to put discrimination into the constitution is not the best use of everybody's time."
In related news, the state of Virginia moved a step closer to amending its 230-year-old Bill of Rights to ban interracial marriage on Wednesday when the state Senate voted 28 to 11 to follow the House of Delegates in approving the measure. A referendum on the matter is expected in November.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
For easy reference with the heretic post (and cuz I'm bored)
(all are copy pasted from wikipedia, as per the GNU Free Documentation Liscensing)
In Christianity, Sabellianism (also known as modalism) is the third-century belief that the three persons of the Trinity are merely different modes or aspects of God, rather than three distinct persons. It is attributed to Sabellius, who taught a form of this doctrine in Rome in the third century. Hippolytus knew Sabellius personally and mentioned him in the Philosophumena. He knew Sabellius disliked Trinitarian theology, yet he called Modal Monarchism the heresy of Noetos, not that of Sabellius. Sabellianism was embraced by Christians in Cyrenaica, to whom Demetrius, Patriarch of Alexandria, wrote letters arguing against this belief.
The chief opponent of Sabellianism was Tertullian, who labelled the movement "Patripassianism", from the Latin words patris for "father", and passus for "to suffer" because it implied that the Father suffered on the Cross. It was Coined by Tertullian in his work Adversus Praxeas, Chapter II, "By this Praxeas did a twofold service for the devil at Rome: he drove away prophecy, and he brought in heresy; he put to flight the Paraclete, and he crucified the Father." It is important to note that our only sources extant for our understanding of Sabellianism is from their detractors. Scholars today are not in agreement as to what exactly Sabellius or Praxeus taught.
Today, Sabellianism is rejected by most types of Christianity and some argue that it logically leads to Nestorianism. It is accepted primarily by some Pentecostal groups, sometimes referred to as Oneness Pentecostals or "Jesus Only" Pentecostals.
Historic Sabellianism taught that God the Father was the only person of the Godhead. This teaching proports that the identity of God the Father and Jesus is the same. According to this belief, the terms "Father" and "Holy Spirit" both describe the one God who dwelt in Jesus. Some Oneness detractors call this the "Jesus-Only doctrine".
Pelagianism is a belief that original sin did not taint human nature (which, being created from God, was divine), and that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil without Divine aid. Thus, Adam's sin was "to set a bad example" for his progeny, but his actions did not have the other consequences imputed to Original Sin. Pelagianism views the role of Jesus as "setting a good example" for the rest of us (thus counteracting Adam's bad example). In short, humanity has full control, and thus full responsibility, for its own salvation in addition to full responsibility for every sin (the latter insisted upon by both proponents and opponents of Pelagianism).
Pelagianism was opposed by Augustine of Hippo, leading to its condemnation as a heresy at several local synods. These condemnations were summarily ratified at the Council of Ephesus, although it was not considered a major act of that council.
Pelagianism never vanished completely from Christian history; it survived in variations like Semi-Pelagianism, which was born during the 19th century evangelical American revival movement and by its defenders, with the theology espoused by Charles Finney.
Monophysitism (from the Greek monos meaning 'one, alone' and physis meaning 'nature') is the christological position that Christ has only one nature, as opposed to the Chalcedonian position which holds that Christ has two natures, one divine and one human. There are two major doctrines that can undisputedly be called monophysite:
Eutychianism holds that the human nature of Christ was essentially obliterated by the Divine, "dissolved like a drop of honey in the sea".
Apollinarianism holds that Christ had a human body and human "living principle" but that the Divine Logos had taken the place of the nous, or "thinking principle", analogous but not identical to what might be called a mind in the present day.
The radical monophysitism of Eutyches emerged in Egypt as a response to Nestorianism. It was rejected at the Council of Chalcedon in 451 and is also rejected by the Oriental Orthodox Churches.
Later, monothelitism was developed as an attempt to bridge the gap between the monophysite and the Chalcedonian position, but it too was rejected by the Chalcedonians, despite at times having the support of the Byzantine Emperors. Some are of the opinion that monothelitism was at one time held by the Maronites, but they, for the most part, dispute this, stating that the Maronite Community has never been out of communion with the Roman Catholic Church.
Miaphysitism, the Christology of the Oriental Orthodox Churches, is sometimes considered a variant of monophysitism, but these Churches take pains to distinguish their teaching from monophysitism per se.
Nestorianism is the Christian doctrine that Jesus existed as two persons, the man Jesus and the divine Son of God, rather than as a unified person. This doctrine is identified with Nestorius (c.386–c.451), Patriarch of Constantinople, although it is inappropriately named since he himself denied holding this belief. This view of Christ was condemned at the Council of Ephesus in 431, and the conflict over this view led to the Nestorian schism, separating the Assyrian Church of the East from the Byzantine Church.
Historical references to Nestorians are to the Assyrian Church of the East, commonly described as Nestorian because it refused to drop support for Nestorius and denounce him as an heretic. However the church of the east does not teach Nestorianism, but rather teaches the view of Babai the Great, that Christ has two qnome (essences) which are unmingled and eternally united in one parsopa (personality). The origin of this confusion is mostly historical and linguistic: for example, the Greeks had two words for 'person', which translated poorly into Syriac, and the meaning of these terms were not even quite settled during Nestorius's lifetime.
Nestorianism as a Christological heresy originated in the Church in the 5th century out of an attempt to rationally explain and understand the incarnation of the divine Logos, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity as the man Jesus Christ. Nestorianism teaches that the human and divine essences of Christ are separate and that there are two persons, the man Jesus Christ and the divine Logos, which dwelt in the man. Thus, Nestorians reject such terminology as "God suffered" or "God was crucified", because they believe that the man Jesus Christ suffered. Likewise, they reject the term Theotokos (Giver of birth to God) for the Virgin Mary, using instead the term Christotokos (Giver of birth to Christ) or Anthropotokos (Giver of birth to a man).
Monarchianism, or Monarchism as it is sometimes called, is a set of beliefs that emphasize God as being one, that God is the single and only ruler.
This emphasis conflicted with the doctrine of the Trinity, of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Models of resolving the tension between the two principles in favour of God's oneness were proposed in the 2nd century, but rejected as heretical by the Church.
(wikipedia entry gives far too much detail)
Adoptionism is a view held by some early medieval Christians, that Jesus was born a human only, and was not divine until his baptism, at which point he was adopted as the Son by God the Father.
Their primary disagreement with the rest of the Church was over the treatment of those who forsook their faith during the Persecution (303–305 AD) of Diocletian. The rest of the Church was far more forgiving of these people than the Donatists were. They refused to accept the sacraments and spiritual authority of the priests and bishops who had fallen away from the faith during the persecution. Many church leaders had gone as far as turning in Christians to the Roman authorities and had handed over sacred religious texts to authorities to be publicly burned. These people were called traditors ("people who had handed over"). These traditors had returned to positions of authority under Constantine, and the Donatists proclaimed that any sacraments celebrated by these priests and bishops were invalid. As a result, many towns were divided between Donatist and non-Donatist congregations. The sect had particularly developed and grown in North Africa. Constantine, as emperor, began to get involved in the dispute, and in 314 he called a council at Arles in France; the issue was debated and the decision went against the Donatists. The Donatists refused to accept the decision of the council, their distaste for bishops who had collaborated with Rome came out of their broader view of the Roman empire. After the Constantinian shift when other Christians accepted the emperor as a leader in the church, the Donatists continued to see the emperor as the devil. In particular, the birth of the Donatist movement came out of opposition to the appointment of Caecilian as bishop of Carthage in 312 AD because of his pro-government stance. In 317 Constantine sent troops to deal with the Donatists in Carthage, for the first time Christian persecuting Christian. It resulted in banishments and even executions. It failed completely and Constantine had to withdraw and cancel the persecutions in 321.
Donatists were more than just an opposition movement. They also had a distinctive worship style, emphasizing ‘mystical union of the righteous inspired by the Holy Spirit and instructed by the Bible.1 Anabaptists and other radical church traditions have looked to Donatists as historical predecessors because of their opposition to the union of state and church, their emphasis on discipleship and, in some cases, their commitment to nonviolence and social justice. Like those in the Radical Reformation in the 16th century, the Donatists saw the Catholics as impure and corrupted.
Socinianism summarises the beliefs of the Socinians, followers of Laelius Socinus (died 1562 in Zürich) and of his nephew Faustus Socinus (died 1604 in Poland).
The Socinians congregated especially in the Transylvania, in Poland (see Polish brethren) and in the Netherlands. They held sceptical views on reason and rejected orthodox teachings on the Trinity and on the divinity of Jesus, as summarised in the Racovian Catechism.
Albigensians (French: Albigeois) literally means the inhabitants of Albi, a city in southern France. However, the term was used to refer to the followers of Catharism, a Gnostic-like religious movement of southern France in the 12th and 13th century. The name originates from the end of the 12th century, and was used in 1181 by the chronicler Geoffroy du Breuil of Vigeois. The name is somewhat misleading as the center of the religious movement was really Toulouse.
They believed that the principles of good and evil continually oppose each other in the world. The Albigenses opposed marriage, bearing children (because they thought bringing life into the world to be a sin), and eating meat. They advocated suicide, especially by starvation (so that when they died, they would have little taint on them and free of Earthly desires). In the 14th century the church declared them heretics. In the years that followed the Crusades and Inquisitions against them, they slowly disolved, and by the 15th century they had completely disappeared.
Arianism was a Christological view held by followers of Arius, a Christian priest who lived and taught in Alexandria, Egypt, in the early 4th century. Arius taught that God the Father and the Son were not co-eternal, seeing the pre-incarnate Jesus as a divine being but nonetheless created by (and consequently inferior to) the Father at some point, before which the Son did not exist. In English-language works, it is sometimes said that Arians believe that Jesus is or was a "creature"; in this context, the word is being used in its original sense of "created being."
In Christianity, Docetism is the belief, regarded by most theologians as heretical, that Jesus did not have a physical body; rather, that his body was an illusion, as was his crucifixion.
This belief is most commonly attributed to the Gnostics, who believed that matter was evil, and hence that God would not take on a material body. This sort of statement, however, is rooted in the idea that a divine spark is imprisoned within the material body and that the material body is in itself an obstacle, deliberately created by an evil lesser god (the demiurge) for this purpose, that prevents man from seeing his divine origin. Humanity is, in essence, asleep.
In Christianity, Sabellianism (also known as modalism) is the third-century belief that the three persons of the Trinity are merely different modes or aspects of God, rather than three distinct persons. It is attributed to Sabellius, who taught a form of this doctrine in Rome in the third century. Hippolytus knew Sabellius personally and mentioned him in the Philosophumena. He knew Sabellius disliked Trinitarian theology, yet he called Modal Monarchism the heresy of Noetos, not that of Sabellius. Sabellianism was embraced by Christians in Cyrenaica, to whom Demetrius, Patriarch of Alexandria, wrote letters arguing against this belief.
The chief opponent of Sabellianism was Tertullian, who labelled the movement "Patripassianism", from the Latin words patris for "father", and passus for "to suffer" because it implied that the Father suffered on the Cross. It was Coined by Tertullian in his work Adversus Praxeas, Chapter II, "By this Praxeas did a twofold service for the devil at Rome: he drove away prophecy, and he brought in heresy; he put to flight the Paraclete, and he crucified the Father." It is important to note that our only sources extant for our understanding of Sabellianism is from their detractors. Scholars today are not in agreement as to what exactly Sabellius or Praxeus taught.
Today, Sabellianism is rejected by most types of Christianity and some argue that it logically leads to Nestorianism. It is accepted primarily by some Pentecostal groups, sometimes referred to as Oneness Pentecostals or "Jesus Only" Pentecostals.
Historic Sabellianism taught that God the Father was the only person of the Godhead. This teaching proports that the identity of God the Father and Jesus is the same. According to this belief, the terms "Father" and "Holy Spirit" both describe the one God who dwelt in Jesus. Some Oneness detractors call this the "Jesus-Only doctrine".
Pelagianism is a belief that original sin did not taint human nature (which, being created from God, was divine), and that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil without Divine aid. Thus, Adam's sin was "to set a bad example" for his progeny, but his actions did not have the other consequences imputed to Original Sin. Pelagianism views the role of Jesus as "setting a good example" for the rest of us (thus counteracting Adam's bad example). In short, humanity has full control, and thus full responsibility, for its own salvation in addition to full responsibility for every sin (the latter insisted upon by both proponents and opponents of Pelagianism).
Pelagianism was opposed by Augustine of Hippo, leading to its condemnation as a heresy at several local synods. These condemnations were summarily ratified at the Council of Ephesus, although it was not considered a major act of that council.
Pelagianism never vanished completely from Christian history; it survived in variations like Semi-Pelagianism, which was born during the 19th century evangelical American revival movement and by its defenders, with the theology espoused by Charles Finney.
Monophysitism (from the Greek monos meaning 'one, alone' and physis meaning 'nature') is the christological position that Christ has only one nature, as opposed to the Chalcedonian position which holds that Christ has two natures, one divine and one human. There are two major doctrines that can undisputedly be called monophysite:
Eutychianism holds that the human nature of Christ was essentially obliterated by the Divine, "dissolved like a drop of honey in the sea".
Apollinarianism holds that Christ had a human body and human "living principle" but that the Divine Logos had taken the place of the nous, or "thinking principle", analogous but not identical to what might be called a mind in the present day.
The radical monophysitism of Eutyches emerged in Egypt as a response to Nestorianism. It was rejected at the Council of Chalcedon in 451 and is also rejected by the Oriental Orthodox Churches.
Later, monothelitism was developed as an attempt to bridge the gap between the monophysite and the Chalcedonian position, but it too was rejected by the Chalcedonians, despite at times having the support of the Byzantine Emperors. Some are of the opinion that monothelitism was at one time held by the Maronites, but they, for the most part, dispute this, stating that the Maronite Community has never been out of communion with the Roman Catholic Church.
Miaphysitism, the Christology of the Oriental Orthodox Churches, is sometimes considered a variant of monophysitism, but these Churches take pains to distinguish their teaching from monophysitism per se.
Nestorianism is the Christian doctrine that Jesus existed as two persons, the man Jesus and the divine Son of God, rather than as a unified person. This doctrine is identified with Nestorius (c.386–c.451), Patriarch of Constantinople, although it is inappropriately named since he himself denied holding this belief. This view of Christ was condemned at the Council of Ephesus in 431, and the conflict over this view led to the Nestorian schism, separating the Assyrian Church of the East from the Byzantine Church.
Historical references to Nestorians are to the Assyrian Church of the East, commonly described as Nestorian because it refused to drop support for Nestorius and denounce him as an heretic. However the church of the east does not teach Nestorianism, but rather teaches the view of Babai the Great, that Christ has two qnome (essences) which are unmingled and eternally united in one parsopa (personality). The origin of this confusion is mostly historical and linguistic: for example, the Greeks had two words for 'person', which translated poorly into Syriac, and the meaning of these terms were not even quite settled during Nestorius's lifetime.
Nestorianism as a Christological heresy originated in the Church in the 5th century out of an attempt to rationally explain and understand the incarnation of the divine Logos, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity as the man Jesus Christ. Nestorianism teaches that the human and divine essences of Christ are separate and that there are two persons, the man Jesus Christ and the divine Logos, which dwelt in the man. Thus, Nestorians reject such terminology as "God suffered" or "God was crucified", because they believe that the man Jesus Christ suffered. Likewise, they reject the term Theotokos (Giver of birth to God) for the Virgin Mary, using instead the term Christotokos (Giver of birth to Christ) or Anthropotokos (Giver of birth to a man).
Monarchianism, or Monarchism as it is sometimes called, is a set of beliefs that emphasize God as being one, that God is the single and only ruler.
This emphasis conflicted with the doctrine of the Trinity, of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Models of resolving the tension between the two principles in favour of God's oneness were proposed in the 2nd century, but rejected as heretical by the Church.
(wikipedia entry gives far too much detail)
Adoptionism is a view held by some early medieval Christians, that Jesus was born a human only, and was not divine until his baptism, at which point he was adopted as the Son by God the Father.
Their primary disagreement with the rest of the Church was over the treatment of those who forsook their faith during the Persecution (303–305 AD) of Diocletian. The rest of the Church was far more forgiving of these people than the Donatists were. They refused to accept the sacraments and spiritual authority of the priests and bishops who had fallen away from the faith during the persecution. Many church leaders had gone as far as turning in Christians to the Roman authorities and had handed over sacred religious texts to authorities to be publicly burned. These people were called traditors ("people who had handed over"). These traditors had returned to positions of authority under Constantine, and the Donatists proclaimed that any sacraments celebrated by these priests and bishops were invalid. As a result, many towns were divided between Donatist and non-Donatist congregations. The sect had particularly developed and grown in North Africa. Constantine, as emperor, began to get involved in the dispute, and in 314 he called a council at Arles in France; the issue was debated and the decision went against the Donatists. The Donatists refused to accept the decision of the council, their distaste for bishops who had collaborated with Rome came out of their broader view of the Roman empire. After the Constantinian shift when other Christians accepted the emperor as a leader in the church, the Donatists continued to see the emperor as the devil. In particular, the birth of the Donatist movement came out of opposition to the appointment of Caecilian as bishop of Carthage in 312 AD because of his pro-government stance. In 317 Constantine sent troops to deal with the Donatists in Carthage, for the first time Christian persecuting Christian. It resulted in banishments and even executions. It failed completely and Constantine had to withdraw and cancel the persecutions in 321.
Donatists were more than just an opposition movement. They also had a distinctive worship style, emphasizing ‘mystical union of the righteous inspired by the Holy Spirit and instructed by the Bible.1 Anabaptists and other radical church traditions have looked to Donatists as historical predecessors because of their opposition to the union of state and church, their emphasis on discipleship and, in some cases, their commitment to nonviolence and social justice. Like those in the Radical Reformation in the 16th century, the Donatists saw the Catholics as impure and corrupted.
Socinianism summarises the beliefs of the Socinians, followers of Laelius Socinus (died 1562 in Zürich) and of his nephew Faustus Socinus (died 1604 in Poland).
The Socinians congregated especially in the Transylvania, in Poland (see Polish brethren) and in the Netherlands. They held sceptical views on reason and rejected orthodox teachings on the Trinity and on the divinity of Jesus, as summarised in the Racovian Catechism.
Albigensians (French: Albigeois) literally means the inhabitants of Albi, a city in southern France. However, the term was used to refer to the followers of Catharism, a Gnostic-like religious movement of southern France in the 12th and 13th century. The name originates from the end of the 12th century, and was used in 1181 by the chronicler Geoffroy du Breuil of Vigeois. The name is somewhat misleading as the center of the religious movement was really Toulouse.
They believed that the principles of good and evil continually oppose each other in the world. The Albigenses opposed marriage, bearing children (because they thought bringing life into the world to be a sin), and eating meat. They advocated suicide, especially by starvation (so that when they died, they would have little taint on them and free of Earthly desires). In the 14th century the church declared them heretics. In the years that followed the Crusades and Inquisitions against them, they slowly disolved, and by the 15th century they had completely disappeared.
Arianism was a Christological view held by followers of Arius, a Christian priest who lived and taught in Alexandria, Egypt, in the early 4th century. Arius taught that God the Father and the Son were not co-eternal, seeing the pre-incarnate Jesus as a divine being but nonetheless created by (and consequently inferior to) the Father at some point, before which the Son did not exist. In English-language works, it is sometimes said that Arians believe that Jesus is or was a "creature"; in this context, the word is being used in its original sense of "created being."
In Christianity, Docetism is the belief, regarded by most theologians as heretical, that Jesus did not have a physical body; rather, that his body was an illusion, as was his crucifixion.
This belief is most commonly attributed to the Gnostics, who believed that matter was evil, and hence that God would not take on a material body. This sort of statement, however, is rooted in the idea that a divine spark is imprisoned within the material body and that the material body is in itself an obstacle, deliberately created by an evil lesser god (the demiurge) for this purpose, that prevents man from seeing his divine origin. Humanity is, in essence, asleep.
You scored as Chalcedon compliant. You are Chalcedon compliant. Congratulations, you're not a heretic. You believe that Jesus is truly God and truly man and like us in every respect, apart from sin. Officially approved in 451.
Are you a heretic? created with |
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Some 'Splainin'
So I'm sure you will all note my complete lack of posts as of recent...
This is due, mainly, to the fact that most f my posts (in order to maintain their bitter jaded tone) are posted later in the evening... But due to my newly aquired sleeping habits (thats right everyone, I am sleeping frequently and routinely) posting has become a bit of a hrd to do...
So let me catch you up on my week...
Friday I went for the most amazing apple crumble I've had in years! It was astounding... you could really taste the love... Or was it cinnamin... I can never tell (always getting those two mixed up)... Either way, I stufffed my face... Then came the full contact dutch blitz...
I should apologize now, cuz I'm not going to in person, but I do NOT suffer from the same guilt complex as others... I will induce large amounts of pain without feeling guilty before or during (unless of course, I draw blood)... You have been warned, and this will be my only apology...
Anyways... I went home cuz I was sleepy... slept ofr a little bit, and then played board games with the HS kids...
Honest to god, my newest game is a 45 minutes shouting match EVERY time... I was recommended the game by a friend/gaming associate, who then pointed out the fact that he would not play it with me... I can see why...
I made the mistake of playing with my boss each time... I try to remind him that I can make the working situation very uncomfortable... It didnt work... he screws me over EVERY time...
I swear, next time he screws me over I'm gonna push him down a flight of stairs... preferably the cement ones in schwermann hall...
Saturday was our little dorm event... About 35-40 people ended up comming out, so I will say it was a success... There were positive reviews of the photo scavenger hunt mattyk and me planned, so thast good...
Me and rod tried desperately to keep our waterpark/hours-logged quota up... But by 630, with him having barely slept the night before, and myself having not eaten since apple crumble, we decided to call it a day...
No chaffing this year, which was a big improvement over last year (moral of the story is spend more than $15 on your swimwear... and if you're going to be hiking up vast amounts of stairs, you need to get shorts without lining...)
So we went for dinner... I don;t know what it is about West Ed, but every time I'm there I get a HUGE craving for the overpriced, mal-nutrient chinese food from the food court... SO needless to say i stuffed my face full of deepfried chicken balls and sweet'n'sour pork...
Then we went shopping at HMV, and headed out to meet our bus back to dorm...
Thats when I saddled up my horse and rode off to the party...
Literally, I put a horse costume on and went to a wild western/indian themed party
The evening was quite enjoyable... Just the right combination of people I know and people I don't know (well... my preferable mix is lots of people i know, and people I don't know staying out of my way and trying not to make me feel uncomfortable)
I met a few people who i didn't know but knew stories about... It was good to get their side of things... I suppose...
getting to know the truth tends to lead to a loss of mystique/humour...
Oh well...
I had aimed to complete the night being spared the fate of the oil based paints... But alas, after a drink or two I sumehow ended up with "Fire Truck" (minus the iretr of course) written across my forhead...
After walking a drunk or two home (I was still in the babysitting drunken stage) and having my sandals spat in (EWW!!!) i realised that it was too cold to be wearing sandals...
I think I came to this conclusion a few weeks ago too... And some part of me wishes I had come to this conclusion again before the walk... as the walk themselves was fine... It was only once I got back and realised how effing cold my feet were... when they started tingling and burning as they thawed out...
But I drank the feeling away and continued to party it up...
When I started to crash, it was time to go home.. So I walked back... again in my sandals (why! why do people let me do this... although I suppose if they tried to stop me I would start wearing them for spite...
Anyways... Sunday was lowkey... hung around dorm for the most part... managed to get myself over to girls dorm in order to find out the results of the photo scavenger hunt (turns out the team I was on won!!! go team!!!)
well... we didnt win... we dominated...
and today was more of the same...
Although I was VERY disheartened by the elecion results... it's in no way a majority, and near as I can tell they have support of no one...
Regardless, I put some taseless posters up in my window to let the student body know I disagree with the election results...
I've said it before and I'll say it again... more money for health care, more money for infrastructure, more money for military, billions of dollars in tax cuts, all while turning out a balanced budget and paying off the debt...
call me a skeptic, but I kinda find it hard to believe that they'll find time to achieve all this in and amongst all of the other things on Harpers agenda... (denouncing kyoto, setting up a health care system for those making more than 100k a year, forcing single mothers to chose between wokring and caring for their child, burning homosexuals at the stake, ignoring 200 years of atrocities committed towards first nations, invading sovereign nations, and systematically tearing apart the dominion of canada)...
I have had a lot of people tell me I should just vote conservative and give them a chance... I did not, and will not based on three reasons...
1) I am not a bigot! My beliefs, as a christian, do NOT overshadow my belief in the right of EVERY human being (and a lot of people seem to forget that you do not cease to be human once you start openly admiting you're gay)... The church has their right to chose whom the wed, that is sufficient...
2) The canadian government is structured to assist those who are in deepest need, not to facilitate those who have the ability to buy their way through everything... Socialism works, people...
3) We already gave the conservatives a chance... They blew it... In a four week period in 1993 the conservatives lost 20% of the popular vote and 167 of the 169 seats they held in the canadian parliment (most likely marking one of the most astounding defeats in the modern world)... We gave them their chance, and what do we have to show for it? GST, a segregated west, a seemingly disfranchised quebec, and an economy that left a lot to be desired...
I'm sleepy...
This is due, mainly, to the fact that most f my posts (in order to maintain their bitter jaded tone) are posted later in the evening... But due to my newly aquired sleeping habits (thats right everyone, I am sleeping frequently and routinely) posting has become a bit of a hrd to do...
So let me catch you up on my week...
Friday I went for the most amazing apple crumble I've had in years! It was astounding... you could really taste the love... Or was it cinnamin... I can never tell (always getting those two mixed up)... Either way, I stufffed my face... Then came the full contact dutch blitz...
I should apologize now, cuz I'm not going to in person, but I do NOT suffer from the same guilt complex as others... I will induce large amounts of pain without feeling guilty before or during (unless of course, I draw blood)... You have been warned, and this will be my only apology...
Anyways... I went home cuz I was sleepy... slept ofr a little bit, and then played board games with the HS kids...
Honest to god, my newest game is a 45 minutes shouting match EVERY time... I was recommended the game by a friend/gaming associate, who then pointed out the fact that he would not play it with me... I can see why...
I made the mistake of playing with my boss each time... I try to remind him that I can make the working situation very uncomfortable... It didnt work... he screws me over EVERY time...
I swear, next time he screws me over I'm gonna push him down a flight of stairs... preferably the cement ones in schwermann hall...
Saturday was our little dorm event... About 35-40 people ended up comming out, so I will say it was a success... There were positive reviews of the photo scavenger hunt mattyk and me planned, so thast good...
Me and rod tried desperately to keep our waterpark/hours-logged quota up... But by 630, with him having barely slept the night before, and myself having not eaten since apple crumble, we decided to call it a day...
No chaffing this year, which was a big improvement over last year (moral of the story is spend more than $15 on your swimwear... and if you're going to be hiking up vast amounts of stairs, you need to get shorts without lining...)
So we went for dinner... I don;t know what it is about West Ed, but every time I'm there I get a HUGE craving for the overpriced, mal-nutrient chinese food from the food court... SO needless to say i stuffed my face full of deepfried chicken balls and sweet'n'sour pork...
Then we went shopping at HMV, and headed out to meet our bus back to dorm...
Thats when I saddled up my horse and rode off to the party...
Literally, I put a horse costume on and went to a wild western/indian themed party
The evening was quite enjoyable... Just the right combination of people I know and people I don't know (well... my preferable mix is lots of people i know, and people I don't know staying out of my way and trying not to make me feel uncomfortable)
I met a few people who i didn't know but knew stories about... It was good to get their side of things... I suppose...
getting to know the truth tends to lead to a loss of mystique/humour...
Oh well...
I had aimed to complete the night being spared the fate of the oil based paints... But alas, after a drink or two I sumehow ended up with "Fire Truck" (minus the iretr of course) written across my forhead...
After walking a drunk or two home (I was still in the babysitting drunken stage) and having my sandals spat in (EWW!!!) i realised that it was too cold to be wearing sandals...
I think I came to this conclusion a few weeks ago too... And some part of me wishes I had come to this conclusion again before the walk... as the walk themselves was fine... It was only once I got back and realised how effing cold my feet were... when they started tingling and burning as they thawed out...
But I drank the feeling away and continued to party it up...
When I started to crash, it was time to go home.. So I walked back... again in my sandals (why! why do people let me do this... although I suppose if they tried to stop me I would start wearing them for spite...
Anyways... Sunday was lowkey... hung around dorm for the most part... managed to get myself over to girls dorm in order to find out the results of the photo scavenger hunt (turns out the team I was on won!!! go team!!!)
well... we didnt win... we dominated...
and today was more of the same...
Although I was VERY disheartened by the elecion results... it's in no way a majority, and near as I can tell they have support of no one...
Regardless, I put some taseless posters up in my window to let the student body know I disagree with the election results...
I've said it before and I'll say it again... more money for health care, more money for infrastructure, more money for military, billions of dollars in tax cuts, all while turning out a balanced budget and paying off the debt...
call me a skeptic, but I kinda find it hard to believe that they'll find time to achieve all this in and amongst all of the other things on Harpers agenda... (denouncing kyoto, setting up a health care system for those making more than 100k a year, forcing single mothers to chose between wokring and caring for their child, burning homosexuals at the stake, ignoring 200 years of atrocities committed towards first nations, invading sovereign nations, and systematically tearing apart the dominion of canada)...
I have had a lot of people tell me I should just vote conservative and give them a chance... I did not, and will not based on three reasons...
1) I am not a bigot! My beliefs, as a christian, do NOT overshadow my belief in the right of EVERY human being (and a lot of people seem to forget that you do not cease to be human once you start openly admiting you're gay)... The church has their right to chose whom the wed, that is sufficient...
2) The canadian government is structured to assist those who are in deepest need, not to facilitate those who have the ability to buy their way through everything... Socialism works, people...
3) We already gave the conservatives a chance... They blew it... In a four week period in 1993 the conservatives lost 20% of the popular vote and 167 of the 169 seats they held in the canadian parliment (most likely marking one of the most astounding defeats in the modern world)... We gave them their chance, and what do we have to show for it? GST, a segregated west, a seemingly disfranchised quebec, and an economy that left a lot to be desired...
I'm sleepy...
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Thx for Sharing
"blog prize. Unfortunatly that due to buget"
I just took what i wanted... thx for sharing morgan...
I just took what i wanted... thx for sharing morgan...
Sunday, January 15, 2006
So I participated in a fast that lasted for 34 hours... Many people are probibly wondering, why? why would you choose not to eat for 34 hours?
To be quite honest, I felt obligated to...
It was a fundraiser (for which i did no fundraising) with the intent to raise money for the readin week mission trip...
Now you learn a lot about yourself when you give up eating for 34 hours...
I am quite irritable when I have to do anything for 34 hours... But then I cam to a realization that maybe it's not just irritability... There are quite a number of people that I genuinely dislike and would, under normal circumstances, not go out of my way to spend time with...
I still feel that way now... but we'll see how it is tomorrow...
I went on a date this evening... Well... not really a date... But we pretended... We went down into the river valley for tea and conversation...
There was fog tonight...
I <3 fog...
I suppose the only thing that kept me from falling in love was the fact that the pseudo date was with a boy, and the only reason we called it a date was so that we could talk about it and see the reactions on peoples faces...
I have a new gym buddy... We're gonna do cardio thrice a week... Well... It will be thrice a week once shes feeling a little bit less than death... You know how that whole daeth thing is...
So yes... Say bye bye gut, as cardio is going to be my means of salvation... and we're doing it early in the morning... so it should help my metabolism for the day (I think thats how it works...)
so yes... such is my life so far...
To be quite honest, I felt obligated to...
It was a fundraiser (for which i did no fundraising) with the intent to raise money for the readin week mission trip...
Now you learn a lot about yourself when you give up eating for 34 hours...
I am quite irritable when I have to do anything for 34 hours... But then I cam to a realization that maybe it's not just irritability... There are quite a number of people that I genuinely dislike and would, under normal circumstances, not go out of my way to spend time with...
I still feel that way now... but we'll see how it is tomorrow...
I went on a date this evening... Well... not really a date... But we pretended... We went down into the river valley for tea and conversation...
There was fog tonight...
I <3 fog...
I suppose the only thing that kept me from falling in love was the fact that the pseudo date was with a boy, and the only reason we called it a date was so that we could talk about it and see the reactions on peoples faces...
I have a new gym buddy... We're gonna do cardio thrice a week... Well... It will be thrice a week once shes feeling a little bit less than death... You know how that whole daeth thing is...
So yes... Say bye bye gut, as cardio is going to be my means of salvation... and we're doing it early in the morning... so it should help my metabolism for the day (I think thats how it works...)
so yes... such is my life so far...
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Wondering Who to Vote For?
Who Should You Vote For?
Asks you you're opinion for a few key topics and then tells you whom you're beliefs most match with...
For fun, post your results in the comments...
Asks you you're opinion for a few key topics and then tells you whom you're beliefs most match with...
For fun, post your results in the comments...
And So It Begins
School has started, and after the habitual "changing of classes" that i seem to go through at the start of each semester (I hope I spelled it right this time), I am not ready to venture out into my academic career once again...
Whats the best part of my semeste you ask?
It would be hard to narrow it down, but if you are burdened with a heavy semester, you may not want to hear this (so I suggest you avert your eyes)....
First, I do not have class on MWF until 3 in the afternoon...
My first (and only class) on MWF is choir...
I do not have any labs for any of my classes...
I do not have any papers for any of my classes...
Two of my classes are rumoured to be easier than choir...
There you have it... Such is my life... but regardless, I need to crack down on ym study habits... which is the plan...
MWF is all clear in the monings/early afternoon, so I was thinking about doing regular board games (some people stopped by today... I was in the middle of another game, but it was fun once I managed to get away)...
So anyone interested should just stop by my room when they have a chance (I'll have my schedual posted on my door in a few days most likely... but like I said, nothing before choir)...
Whats the best part of my semeste you ask?
It would be hard to narrow it down, but if you are burdened with a heavy semester, you may not want to hear this (so I suggest you avert your eyes)....
First, I do not have class on MWF until 3 in the afternoon...
My first (and only class) on MWF is choir...
I do not have any labs for any of my classes...
I do not have any papers for any of my classes...
Two of my classes are rumoured to be easier than choir...
There you have it... Such is my life... but regardless, I need to crack down on ym study habits... which is the plan...
MWF is all clear in the monings/early afternoon, so I was thinking about doing regular board games (some people stopped by today... I was in the middle of another game, but it was fun once I managed to get away)...
So anyone interested should just stop by my room when they have a chance (I'll have my schedual posted on my door in a few days most likely... but like I said, nothing before choir)...
Monday, January 09, 2006
yay for sleep...
I can't imagine ever being able to wake up so ealy without an alarm clock... And to think its all because I went to bed super early...
yes people... I went to bed early!!!
But now im hungry, and the cafe doesnt open for another hour... But Im hungry now...
So I enlisted the help of a conservative supporter in order to hang up an anti conservative sign... I would say pro liberal sign, but it isnt really a pro liberal sign... It pretty much just says "don't vote conservative" in it's own special way. It's hanging from my window, and since most of the people in the school will make treks to the library, past my room, I'm hoping that i will at least have an influence... Or at least piss off some conservative supporters, cuz they dont get to hang up cool signs in their bedroom window...
I'm still very very hungry...
Oh so hungry indeed...
But really, its only been like 2 minutes since the last time I complained about the cafeteria being closed for another hour... It mihgt even be longer... i dont actually know... technically classes don't start till tuesday, so its possible the cafeteria might still be on shortened hours...
Did I mention that I'm hungry?
I'm gonna hook internet up in my room today...
should be fun...
I wont have to come all the way downstairs to check my email or write in my blog... Also, this comp is a mac... And I am illmacerate...
See how witty i am1!! I combined illiterate and mac together to show that i am illiterate in mac technology... bwahahha... I amaze myself sometime...
I'm desperately in need of a good video game fix...
I've been trying to fill my spare time with Sim City 4 and Zoo Tycoon (the only two games I currently own that dont require internet to be enetertaining)... But for whatever resason, they're just not doing it for me...
but I'm not gonna have another symester like the last one...
I would like to say that for every hour of homework i do, im going to allow myself to play one hour of videogames... but most likely it will end up being for every two hours of videogames I play, i will force myself to at least pretend to do homeowrk for ten minutes so i don't need to feel guilty about playing so many video games...
But I will remain optomistic...
My goal is to get grades this symester that rival the ones i got in high school... now I dont think I ever did any work in high school, asides from the tasks that actually required work (exam essays especially) so it shouldn't be too hard for me to do... but I think there should probibly be a little bit of effort on my part....
in a game of jeopardy on my life the $1000 answer would be the reason neal does poorly at college, the question of course being what is a complete lack of effort...
Although i think that has a lot to do with my degree...
Don;t get me wrong, I <3 Chemistry... but not all of it... In fact, there are huge swaths of chemistry that (as proven by my marks) i don; care about in the least... I enjoy organic chem and everything that entails... I enjoy chemical reactions, how they work, why they work... but everything quantitative is... well.. boring as snot...
I like the mindset in my former organic chem classes "continue adding heat slowly until reaction occurs"... Of course, you have to do a little bit of research to find out how the reaction occurs, and then figure out ways to tell that the reaction has occured...
Then in the quantitative classes... Here's a formula... figure out the blah blah blah... and the blah blah blah... then do the blah blah blah... So based on your calculations, how likely is it this laboratory is gonna be of any redeeming value... assides from making it easy to havea nap afterwards... 9although sometimes i'm so angry at being bored for 3-4 hours, that I cannot nap fater my labs)....
Woot... getting closer to the time the cafeteria opens...
have you ever had a COMPLETELY random thought.... And I don;t mean, like you're walking to the kitchen and you think to yourself "I think we're almost out of q-tips"...
I mean COMPLETELY random...
Last night, I was in a half sleep lying on my bed... and then i thought to myself "what kind of a word is 'our'"
Yes yes... I know... this probibly caught a few of you off guard with the randomness et al. but I honestly was, for like 15 or so (sleepy) minutes, thinking how weird 'our' is... and how even more weird it is that I had never noticed how weird 'our' is... and how even more weird it is that i woke up from a sleep to come to the realization that 'our' is a weird word and I had never noticed before...
Gah... Why isnt the cafe open yet...
I think my stomach is starting to digest itself...
So help me god, if they dont open until 11, im going to waste away...
I suppose I shall go and shower...
Oh wait!!!
high School starts today!!!
The cafe has to be open early!!!
That settles it... I shall go shower and then be waiting at the gates for the cafe to open...
I hope they get my eggs right *shakes fist*
I can't imagine ever being able to wake up so ealy without an alarm clock... And to think its all because I went to bed super early...
yes people... I went to bed early!!!
But now im hungry, and the cafe doesnt open for another hour... But Im hungry now...
So I enlisted the help of a conservative supporter in order to hang up an anti conservative sign... I would say pro liberal sign, but it isnt really a pro liberal sign... It pretty much just says "don't vote conservative" in it's own special way. It's hanging from my window, and since most of the people in the school will make treks to the library, past my room, I'm hoping that i will at least have an influence... Or at least piss off some conservative supporters, cuz they dont get to hang up cool signs in their bedroom window...
I'm still very very hungry...
Oh so hungry indeed...
But really, its only been like 2 minutes since the last time I complained about the cafeteria being closed for another hour... It mihgt even be longer... i dont actually know... technically classes don't start till tuesday, so its possible the cafeteria might still be on shortened hours...
Did I mention that I'm hungry?
I'm gonna hook internet up in my room today...
should be fun...
I wont have to come all the way downstairs to check my email or write in my blog... Also, this comp is a mac... And I am illmacerate...
See how witty i am1!! I combined illiterate and mac together to show that i am illiterate in mac technology... bwahahha... I amaze myself sometime...
I'm desperately in need of a good video game fix...
I've been trying to fill my spare time with Sim City 4 and Zoo Tycoon (the only two games I currently own that dont require internet to be enetertaining)... But for whatever resason, they're just not doing it for me...
but I'm not gonna have another symester like the last one...
I would like to say that for every hour of homework i do, im going to allow myself to play one hour of videogames... but most likely it will end up being for every two hours of videogames I play, i will force myself to at least pretend to do homeowrk for ten minutes so i don't need to feel guilty about playing so many video games...
But I will remain optomistic...
My goal is to get grades this symester that rival the ones i got in high school... now I dont think I ever did any work in high school, asides from the tasks that actually required work (exam essays especially) so it shouldn't be too hard for me to do... but I think there should probibly be a little bit of effort on my part....
in a game of jeopardy on my life the $1000 answer would be the reason neal does poorly at college, the question of course being what is a complete lack of effort...
Although i think that has a lot to do with my degree...
Don;t get me wrong, I <3 Chemistry... but not all of it... In fact, there are huge swaths of chemistry that (as proven by my marks) i don; care about in the least... I enjoy organic chem and everything that entails... I enjoy chemical reactions, how they work, why they work... but everything quantitative is... well.. boring as snot...
I like the mindset in my former organic chem classes "continue adding heat slowly until reaction occurs"... Of course, you have to do a little bit of research to find out how the reaction occurs, and then figure out ways to tell that the reaction has occured...
Then in the quantitative classes... Here's a formula... figure out the blah blah blah... and the blah blah blah... then do the blah blah blah... So based on your calculations, how likely is it this laboratory is gonna be of any redeeming value... assides from making it easy to havea nap afterwards... 9although sometimes i'm so angry at being bored for 3-4 hours, that I cannot nap fater my labs)....
Woot... getting closer to the time the cafeteria opens...
have you ever had a COMPLETELY random thought.... And I don;t mean, like you're walking to the kitchen and you think to yourself "I think we're almost out of q-tips"...
I mean COMPLETELY random...
Last night, I was in a half sleep lying on my bed... and then i thought to myself "what kind of a word is 'our'"
Yes yes... I know... this probibly caught a few of you off guard with the randomness et al. but I honestly was, for like 15 or so (sleepy) minutes, thinking how weird 'our' is... and how even more weird it is that I had never noticed how weird 'our' is... and how even more weird it is that i woke up from a sleep to come to the realization that 'our' is a weird word and I had never noticed before...
Gah... Why isnt the cafe open yet...
I think my stomach is starting to digest itself...
So help me god, if they dont open until 11, im going to waste away...
I suppose I shall go and shower...
Oh wait!!!
high School starts today!!!
The cafe has to be open early!!!
That settles it... I shall go shower and then be waiting at the gates for the cafe to open...
I hope they get my eggs right *shakes fist*
Saturday, January 07, 2006
So here i am... sitting ina dark office at school... i'm hungry... but hunger requires that i, somehow, manage to find my way to a food producing establishment and trade money for something to satisfy my aching stomach...
I may just have another long nap, and hope the hunger goes away...
So travelling on a plane is so much better than travelling on a bus... I may have made mention to some people about how horrid my trip out to alberta was, but in all truth, I would put up with thirty screaming babies to have the comfort and convenience offered by airplanes... even if theyre an hour late... and the movie is fuzzy...
Dorm is good... It's quiet...
only one new person... Ahmad from syria...
Should be fun... We seem to enjoy having the immigrants in dorm... Hopefully this won't be an exception... Apparently one of his reasons for comming to a canadian school is to find out what the north maerican youth do for fun... Bo is he ever in for a surprise... What with the potluck/Cowboys and Indian s shindig, not to mention the birthdays... bwahahahha
I like having a selection of clothing, as well as not having to live out of a backpack...
My room already needs to be cleaned... its barely been 12 hours, and most of my time has been spent sleeping... but I already need to clean...
I should go and do that...
I may just have another long nap, and hope the hunger goes away...
So travelling on a plane is so much better than travelling on a bus... I may have made mention to some people about how horrid my trip out to alberta was, but in all truth, I would put up with thirty screaming babies to have the comfort and convenience offered by airplanes... even if theyre an hour late... and the movie is fuzzy...
Dorm is good... It's quiet...
only one new person... Ahmad from syria...
Should be fun... We seem to enjoy having the immigrants in dorm... Hopefully this won't be an exception... Apparently one of his reasons for comming to a canadian school is to find out what the north maerican youth do for fun... Bo is he ever in for a surprise... What with the potluck/Cowboys and Indian s shindig, not to mention the birthdays... bwahahahha
I like having a selection of clothing, as well as not having to live out of a backpack...
My room already needs to be cleaned... its barely been 12 hours, and most of my time has been spent sleeping... but I already need to clean...
I should go and do that...
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Reflections on BC
*Warning Warning*
I may have umm... emitted a clear salty (non-crying) substance... or something... when I was writing this...
You have been warned...
So it should come as no surprise to anyone who reads me blog, we are into the final hours of my time of calling BC home...
So I let it slip a while ago, that I'm a hopeless romantic... You know, what with the fog and everything... I also am a sucker for fond memories... If I was capable of crying (you know how the whole robot/devoid of human emotion thing works) reflecting on all the things I've had that I will be giving up, or have already given up in the years leading up to this big move, would probibly make me do it...
And besides... seems like everyone else had made these shout out feel good / feel bad posts in recent...
Oh... BTW, if you're an E-Town friend, these posts wont refer to you... so don't even bother =P
Anyways... I should also note that there are a lot of memories that i have, but I'm not gonna sit here and write for the next 4 hours... So I may miss things... If you feel its important, just put it in the comments ;)
*cough cough* in no particular order
We've shared a lot of good times, and a heck of a lot of memories. If I said you played a part in my faith today, I'd be lying. You played a HUGE part. Wednesday's homework and tea or countless hours of Mario party or a linoleum floor that never looked as ungreen as it was intended to. Some people say that you're hard to handle, that they don't undestand how to deal with you. None of that is relevant to me, because I've been allowed onto the other side. Whatever defenses you have to keep people from hurting you, I have seen through it. I am truely able to care for you because I can see you care for me. I hope that one day you will see how many people there are that love you, because once you understand that we love you, and why, i think that will be key to understanding how you can love yourself...
We were the two with freaky addiction. Well, i had the freaky addiction, and you danced along (although I'd like to think that enjoyed it... and I'm pretty sure you did... I know how I get with my addictions). I long for the days where we could disappear for hours at a time to the dark corner, only to reappear for a break at orange julius. Although things haven't been the same since I moved to edmonton almost four years ago, I know that we still have a connection, that regardless of how long we may go without saying a word to each other, whenever we're together it will always be like we'd never parted.
It's been almost a year since the last time we talked, and i don't even know if you're reading this. Phone conversations that lasted for hours, sleep overs, and parties. The commute was always a pain, but we endured. We once considered ourselves the best of friends, and so much of what we shared is pivital to who I am today. I grew up because of you, because I so desired to be a part of your life, always expecting that things would work out in the end. I'm sad to say it doesn't look like the're going to be. I believe in part, our friendship was doomed to fail, tainted by myself. I wished every relationship you had would fail, in the hopes that one day you would realize how much I cared for you and tell me how much you cared for me. I truely am sorry.
Seems like only yesterday you we're one of taras youth, running around shooting finger blasters at one Mr Schultz. Back then I envied you, becasue I didnt quite have a faith of my own, or a close group of friends, and you, several years my junior, seemed to have both. It's only recently that I've been able to meet you as a person, rather than as a giggly girl from youth. I can't remember a time when someone threw me a party every time I bought a new pair of shoes, but it seems like we're almost getting to that point. I'm glad that i make you laugh, and i hope that I can continue to make you laugh.
I think you're the one that understands the most. Things are so much different on the other side. Our friendship seems so strained now that we live so close together. I cannot say why, but I know that the friendship we share is true, but we just need to find out how we can make it work in our new environment. You we're my first all night gaming session with a non-family member... And the fact that we had to wait until you're mom was out of town made it feel all the more taboo ;)
If I we're to name one person who understood the gaming aspect of my life, you would be it. I know koreans who claim to be gaming experts who play less video and computer games than you. You opened my world to warcraft, and provided me with the ability to play it... over and over and over... SOmehow I knew it would come to an end, but somehow I figured it would be one of us getting a 9-5 job that would prevent us from playing games until 6am... I forever will be the gutterball champion, the wmw champion, and the master of all things carbonated! You can have DWI, socks, and computer programming...
Honest to god, its 5am in the morning... I'll add more later... If you're absolutely peeved that i forgot you, post a comment,a nd I'll be sure to do you first (I may not get a chance before I get back to edmonton)
I may have umm... emitted a clear salty (non-crying) substance... or something... when I was writing this...
You have been warned...
So it should come as no surprise to anyone who reads me blog, we are into the final hours of my time of calling BC home...
So I let it slip a while ago, that I'm a hopeless romantic... You know, what with the fog and everything... I also am a sucker for fond memories... If I was capable of crying (you know how the whole robot/devoid of human emotion thing works) reflecting on all the things I've had that I will be giving up, or have already given up in the years leading up to this big move, would probibly make me do it...
And besides... seems like everyone else had made these shout out feel good / feel bad posts in recent...
Oh... BTW, if you're an E-Town friend, these posts wont refer to you... so don't even bother =P
Anyways... I should also note that there are a lot of memories that i have, but I'm not gonna sit here and write for the next 4 hours... So I may miss things... If you feel its important, just put it in the comments ;)
*cough cough* in no particular order
We've shared a lot of good times, and a heck of a lot of memories. If I said you played a part in my faith today, I'd be lying. You played a HUGE part. Wednesday's homework and tea or countless hours of Mario party or a linoleum floor that never looked as ungreen as it was intended to. Some people say that you're hard to handle, that they don't undestand how to deal with you. None of that is relevant to me, because I've been allowed onto the other side. Whatever defenses you have to keep people from hurting you, I have seen through it. I am truely able to care for you because I can see you care for me. I hope that one day you will see how many people there are that love you, because once you understand that we love you, and why, i think that will be key to understanding how you can love yourself...
We were the two with freaky addiction. Well, i had the freaky addiction, and you danced along (although I'd like to think that enjoyed it... and I'm pretty sure you did... I know how I get with my addictions). I long for the days where we could disappear for hours at a time to the dark corner, only to reappear for a break at orange julius. Although things haven't been the same since I moved to edmonton almost four years ago, I know that we still have a connection, that regardless of how long we may go without saying a word to each other, whenever we're together it will always be like we'd never parted.
It's been almost a year since the last time we talked, and i don't even know if you're reading this. Phone conversations that lasted for hours, sleep overs, and parties. The commute was always a pain, but we endured. We once considered ourselves the best of friends, and so much of what we shared is pivital to who I am today. I grew up because of you, because I so desired to be a part of your life, always expecting that things would work out in the end. I'm sad to say it doesn't look like the're going to be. I believe in part, our friendship was doomed to fail, tainted by myself. I wished every relationship you had would fail, in the hopes that one day you would realize how much I cared for you and tell me how much you cared for me. I truely am sorry.
Seems like only yesterday you we're one of taras youth, running around shooting finger blasters at one Mr Schultz. Back then I envied you, becasue I didnt quite have a faith of my own, or a close group of friends, and you, several years my junior, seemed to have both. It's only recently that I've been able to meet you as a person, rather than as a giggly girl from youth. I can't remember a time when someone threw me a party every time I bought a new pair of shoes, but it seems like we're almost getting to that point. I'm glad that i make you laugh, and i hope that I can continue to make you laugh.
I think you're the one that understands the most. Things are so much different on the other side. Our friendship seems so strained now that we live so close together. I cannot say why, but I know that the friendship we share is true, but we just need to find out how we can make it work in our new environment. You we're my first all night gaming session with a non-family member... And the fact that we had to wait until you're mom was out of town made it feel all the more taboo ;)
If I we're to name one person who understood the gaming aspect of my life, you would be it. I know koreans who claim to be gaming experts who play less video and computer games than you. You opened my world to warcraft, and provided me with the ability to play it... over and over and over... SOmehow I knew it would come to an end, but somehow I figured it would be one of us getting a 9-5 job that would prevent us from playing games until 6am... I forever will be the gutterball champion, the wmw champion, and the master of all things carbonated! You can have DWI, socks, and computer programming...
Honest to god, its 5am in the morning... I'll add more later... If you're absolutely peeved that i forgot you, post a comment,a nd I'll be sure to do you first (I may not get a chance before I get back to edmonton)
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
New Years; Revisited
So I had this story I was going to share, but due to time constaints, I didnt havea chance to write it out...
After the festivities at the gas station, and long after everyone had gone home, the night got quite quiet...
Occasionally a cab or two would stop in for some gas and some napkins... I can only assume the kind of mess the revellers were leaving in their vehicles (if it looked like our bathroom, I wouldnt be surprised)...
Anyways... It was quiet... and it was POURING rain outside, when in walked a man and a woman from outside...
Now when they opened the door, she was already screaming and having a fit. I've watched enough movies to know that screaming is a very effective distraction should you want to steal something, so I was watching very intently to make sure nothing was being pocketed, and more or less completely ignoring what she was screaming about...
She grabbed a handful of gum packages, threw them at him, and then stormed out of the store...
He, at this time, was now giving me the "can you believe her" look... SHe was outside having a cigarette...
I asked him what was up... and he confessed...
See, they had met at the bar, and through a somewhat lucky mix of drinks and dancing, he had convinced her to head back to his place...
He, being a little drunk, did not pay attention to where the had been dropped off, and the cab had in fact left them at the wrong house, in (I would assume) the wrong neighbourhood...
I feel the need to interject: cloverdale is your typical whitetrash suburbia. All developements built in the same decade look just like every other developement from the same decade... So I can understand, in a drunken state, recognising a random neighbourhood as being your own neighbourhood...
Back to the story...
In his drunken state, he, falsely, claimed to know where they were and how they could easily walk to his place (New years Eve, your chances of phoning a cab company and getting a cab within an hour is slim to none anyways, he told her)... So they set off on foot...
After wandering around aimlessly for some time, he claims to have recognised where he was (again) and that he knew a shortcut through a field that would take them to a street that would lead them to his house...
Apparently it wasnt the right field, because bisecting the field was a LARGE irrigation ditch, which in the dark, and in a drunken state, they ended up trudging through...
At this time, I would like to point out that I could see in the fluoroecent glow of the gas station canopy that her pants (from her shoes to her mid thigh) were stained brown from the mud they had trudged through... I blame the yelling when she was in the store for not noticing it before... But her white jeans... yes, white... were brown.. no... almost black from the mid thigh down... Meaning the ditch the trudged through was most likely 2 feet deep in mud...
He of course, was wearing black pants... but I assume he would look much the same, had he been wearing white as well...
Now, somewhere in the muckey-muck, she dropped her cell phone... SO she wasnt able to call for a cab, or a friend, or a family member...
And so after wandering around in the rain for a while, they stumbled upon the gas station...
With that his story ended...
He asked me to phone her a cab, he bought a pack of cigarettes, and then told me he was going home...
And so he left...
As he was walking towards the street, she yelled a choice few four letter words, to let him know how much she loved him... And he walked away...
Thankfully the cab ended up comming right away... Although, I would have tried to do my best, the situational humour would have been too much for me, and I would not have been able to keep a straight face if she had come in and trieed to turn it into a sob story...
So the moral of the story is... umm...
Well... I guess, don;t hook up with random people at the bar, and then follow them through fields after they realise they don;t know where their house is...
After the festivities at the gas station, and long after everyone had gone home, the night got quite quiet...
Occasionally a cab or two would stop in for some gas and some napkins... I can only assume the kind of mess the revellers were leaving in their vehicles (if it looked like our bathroom, I wouldnt be surprised)...
Anyways... It was quiet... and it was POURING rain outside, when in walked a man and a woman from outside...
Now when they opened the door, she was already screaming and having a fit. I've watched enough movies to know that screaming is a very effective distraction should you want to steal something, so I was watching very intently to make sure nothing was being pocketed, and more or less completely ignoring what she was screaming about...
She grabbed a handful of gum packages, threw them at him, and then stormed out of the store...
He, at this time, was now giving me the "can you believe her" look... SHe was outside having a cigarette...
I asked him what was up... and he confessed...
See, they had met at the bar, and through a somewhat lucky mix of drinks and dancing, he had convinced her to head back to his place...
He, being a little drunk, did not pay attention to where the had been dropped off, and the cab had in fact left them at the wrong house, in (I would assume) the wrong neighbourhood...
I feel the need to interject: cloverdale is your typical whitetrash suburbia. All developements built in the same decade look just like every other developement from the same decade... So I can understand, in a drunken state, recognising a random neighbourhood as being your own neighbourhood...
Back to the story...
In his drunken state, he, falsely, claimed to know where they were and how they could easily walk to his place (New years Eve, your chances of phoning a cab company and getting a cab within an hour is slim to none anyways, he told her)... So they set off on foot...
After wandering around aimlessly for some time, he claims to have recognised where he was (again) and that he knew a shortcut through a field that would take them to a street that would lead them to his house...
Apparently it wasnt the right field, because bisecting the field was a LARGE irrigation ditch, which in the dark, and in a drunken state, they ended up trudging through...
At this time, I would like to point out that I could see in the fluoroecent glow of the gas station canopy that her pants (from her shoes to her mid thigh) were stained brown from the mud they had trudged through... I blame the yelling when she was in the store for not noticing it before... But her white jeans... yes, white... were brown.. no... almost black from the mid thigh down... Meaning the ditch the trudged through was most likely 2 feet deep in mud...
He of course, was wearing black pants... but I assume he would look much the same, had he been wearing white as well...
Now, somewhere in the muckey-muck, she dropped her cell phone... SO she wasnt able to call for a cab, or a friend, or a family member...
And so after wandering around in the rain for a while, they stumbled upon the gas station...
With that his story ended...
He asked me to phone her a cab, he bought a pack of cigarettes, and then told me he was going home...
And so he left...
As he was walking towards the street, she yelled a choice few four letter words, to let him know how much she loved him... And he walked away...
Thankfully the cab ended up comming right away... Although, I would have tried to do my best, the situational humour would have been too much for me, and I would not have been able to keep a straight face if she had come in and trieed to turn it into a sob story...
So the moral of the story is... umm...
Well... I guess, don;t hook up with random people at the bar, and then follow them through fields after they realise they don;t know where their house is...
Monday, January 02, 2006
The Morning After New Years
SO it wasnt really the morning... cuz I didnt start work until 2... but today was probibly the most painful shift...
Everyone was hung over... everyone was grumpy... no one had patience for lines or machine malfunctions...
Every other person was using english as a second language, and with their ethanol starved brains, they were uynable to comprehend and ord of the english language with more than 4 letters...
we do not accept air miles at this location...
turned to
we do not accept air miles here
turned to
that card doesnt work here
turned to
card doesnt work
turned to
card bad
I swear... It was actualy kinda funny to watch... My coworker was having one hell of a time... ANd it just wasnt comming through regardless of how he said it...
She just kept trying to hand him the airmiles card...
And both of them were just staring at each other in the end...
SO the moral of the story is...
well... there is no moral...
But on the plus side.. some random person started texting me... It was kinda odd...
Everyone was hung over... everyone was grumpy... no one had patience for lines or machine malfunctions...
Every other person was using english as a second language, and with their ethanol starved brains, they were uynable to comprehend and ord of the english language with more than 4 letters...
we do not accept air miles at this location...
turned to
we do not accept air miles here
turned to
that card doesnt work here
turned to
card doesnt work
turned to
card bad
I swear... It was actualy kinda funny to watch... My coworker was having one hell of a time... ANd it just wasnt comming through regardless of how he said it...
She just kept trying to hand him the airmiles card...
And both of them were just staring at each other in the end...
SO the moral of the story is...
well... there is no moral...
But on the plus side.. some random person started texting me... It was kinda odd...
Sunday, January 01, 2006
My first thought was "man? new years at a gast station"
that turned into "yay, my friends are at least comming to keep my company"
which quickly became "how do i entertain them long enough that they stay so I dont get bored"
All in all, it was a good night, I would say... Although i may be guilty of peeing when i shouldnt have, and having far less tsrangers kiss me then I needed... Combined with th fact that i stole my shirt...
For those of you who were there, you understand why the gas station is a coveted hang out for youth...
For those of you who didnt make it out tonight... please don;t tell my boss about my blog... becasue I really don;t want her knowing how much alcohol was consumed last night (and especially how much was consumed by myself)
oh well... I need to work again in 7 hours...
good night...
My first thought was "man? new years at a gast station"
that turned into "yay, my friends are at least comming to keep my company"
which quickly became "how do i entertain them long enough that they stay so I dont get bored"
All in all, it was a good night, I would say... Although i may be guilty of peeing when i shouldnt have, and having far less tsrangers kiss me then I needed... Combined with th fact that i stole my shirt...
For those of you who were there, you understand why the gas station is a coveted hang out for youth...
For those of you who didnt make it out tonight... please don;t tell my boss about my blog... becasue I really don;t want her knowing how much alcohol was consumed last night (and especially how much was consumed by myself)
oh well... I need to work again in 7 hours...
good night...
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