Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Some 'Splainin'

So I'm sure you will all note my complete lack of posts as of recent...

This is due, mainly, to the fact that most f my posts (in order to maintain their bitter jaded tone) are posted later in the evening... But due to my newly aquired sleeping habits (thats right everyone, I am sleeping frequently and routinely) posting has become a bit of a hrd to do...

So let me catch you up on my week...

Friday I went for the most amazing apple crumble I've had in years! It was astounding... you could really taste the love... Or was it cinnamin... I can never tell (always getting those two mixed up)... Either way, I stufffed my face... Then came the full contact dutch blitz...

I should apologize now, cuz I'm not going to in person, but I do NOT suffer from the same guilt complex as others... I will induce large amounts of pain without feeling guilty before or during (unless of course, I draw blood)... You have been warned, and this will be my only apology...

Anyways... I went home cuz I was sleepy... slept ofr a little bit, and then played board games with the HS kids...

Honest to god, my newest game is a 45 minutes shouting match EVERY time... I was recommended the game by a friend/gaming associate, who then pointed out the fact that he would not play it with me... I can see why...

I made the mistake of playing with my boss each time... I try to remind him that I can make the working situation very uncomfortable... It didnt work... he screws me over EVERY time...

I swear, next time he screws me over I'm gonna push him down a flight of stairs... preferably the cement ones in schwermann hall...


Saturday was our little dorm event... About 35-40 people ended up comming out, so I will say it was a success... There were positive reviews of the photo scavenger hunt mattyk and me planned, so thast good...

Me and rod tried desperately to keep our waterpark/hours-logged quota up... But by 630, with him having barely slept the night before, and myself having not eaten since apple crumble, we decided to call it a day...

No chaffing this year, which was a big improvement over last year (moral of the story is spend more than $15 on your swimwear... and if you're going to be hiking up vast amounts of stairs, you need to get shorts without lining...)

So we went for dinner... I don;t know what it is about West Ed, but every time I'm there I get a HUGE craving for the overpriced, mal-nutrient chinese food from the food court... SO needless to say i stuffed my face full of deepfried chicken balls and sweet'n'sour pork...

Then we went shopping at HMV, and headed out to meet our bus back to dorm...

Thats when I saddled up my horse and rode off to the party...

Literally, I put a horse costume on and went to a wild western/indian themed party

The evening was quite enjoyable... Just the right combination of people I know and people I don't know (well... my preferable mix is lots of people i know, and people I don't know staying out of my way and trying not to make me feel uncomfortable)

I met a few people who i didn't know but knew stories about... It was good to get their side of things... I suppose...

getting to know the truth tends to lead to a loss of mystique/humour...

Oh well...

I had aimed to complete the night being spared the fate of the oil based paints... But alas, after a drink or two I sumehow ended up with "Fire Truck" (minus the iretr of course) written across my forhead...

After walking a drunk or two home (I was still in the babysitting drunken stage) and having my sandals spat in (EWW!!!) i realised that it was too cold to be wearing sandals...

I think I came to this conclusion a few weeks ago too... And some part of me wishes I had come to this conclusion again before the walk... as the walk themselves was fine... It was only once I got back and realised how effing cold my feet were... when they started tingling and burning as they thawed out...

But I drank the feeling away and continued to party it up...

When I started to crash, it was time to go home.. So I walked back... again in my sandals (why! why do people let me do this... although I suppose if they tried to stop me I would start wearing them for spite...

Anyways... Sunday was lowkey... hung around dorm for the most part... managed to get myself over to girls dorm in order to find out the results of the photo scavenger hunt (turns out the team I was on won!!! go team!!!)

well... we didnt win... we dominated...

and today was more of the same...

Although I was VERY disheartened by the elecion results... it's in no way a majority, and near as I can tell they have support of no one...

Regardless, I put some taseless posters up in my window to let the student body know I disagree with the election results...

I've said it before and I'll say it again... more money for health care, more money for infrastructure, more money for military, billions of dollars in tax cuts, all while turning out a balanced budget and paying off the debt...

call me a skeptic, but I kinda find it hard to believe that they'll find time to achieve all this in and amongst all of the other things on Harpers agenda... (denouncing kyoto, setting up a health care system for those making more than 100k a year, forcing single mothers to chose between wokring and caring for their child, burning homosexuals at the stake, ignoring 200 years of atrocities committed towards first nations, invading sovereign nations, and systematically tearing apart the dominion of canada)...

I have had a lot of people tell me I should just vote conservative and give them a chance... I did not, and will not based on three reasons...

1) I am not a bigot! My beliefs, as a christian, do NOT overshadow my belief in the right of EVERY human being (and a lot of people seem to forget that you do not cease to be human once you start openly admiting you're gay)... The church has their right to chose whom the wed, that is sufficient...

2) The canadian government is structured to assist those who are in deepest need, not to facilitate those who have the ability to buy their way through everything... Socialism works, people...

3) We already gave the conservatives a chance... They blew it... In a four week period in 1993 the conservatives lost 20% of the popular vote and 167 of the 169 seats they held in the canadian parliment (most likely marking one of the most astounding defeats in the modern world)... We gave them their chance, and what do we have to show for it? GST, a segregated west, a seemingly disfranchised quebec, and an economy that left a lot to be desired...

I'm sleepy...


morgan said...

wow...so much to comment on... to begin with;
it was LOVE! why can't you guys JUST ACCEPT IT?! haha.
"too cold to be wearing sandals..."? never. that tingling is just your toesie's way of telling you how much they love you and want you to do it again.
...and you don't hit hard enough to require apologies... but, either way now, the "gloves are coming off" haha. so be prepared that there will be no holds barred and i will finish whatever you start! (my 'guilt' won't let me start things yet... ;) )
p.s. i want to play the bunnies game next time, k? so... rememember, in case i forget.

Anonymous said...

David Caza a man convicted of 42 offences, including sexual and violent attacks against young boys as young as 9, is living in Kamloops British Columbia. The RCMP issued a statement to the community warning them that Caza is a high risk to re-offend. Caza refused any counselling or treatment while in prison believing that what he did to these children wasn't wrong. Convicted 42 times and living a free life! Now I voted for the Conservative party because I believe what he did was wrong. Very wrong. No i don't agree with all Conservative beliefs. I think that people should be able to marry whom ever they choose, we shouldn't go to war and that some of their views are too Americanized, but with our justice systems becoming more and more passive to criminals what choice did i have? People who murder others, rape women, molest children, etc should face the consequeces and this issue has been put on the back burner for far too long. I am tired of the Liberal governments la-de-da attitude and maybe the Conservatives will make positive change in our country. If not in the grand scheme of things 3 or 4 years isn't that long, and the citizens of Canada aren't stupid and will return to a Liberal government once again.

neal said...

I cannot even pretend to know the situation surrounding Caza. It really is an unfortunate circumstance, and I can't say it makes me proud to be a Canadian...

But I would just like to point out that my blog is in backlash to all the retarded people I have had to deal with who are using the excuses "I hate homos", "mommy and daddy said I had to vote conservative", and (this is, more or less, a direct quote) "the war in iraq is a good thing because they're killing sand niggers"...

I know there were a lot of legitimate reasons to vote conservative this past election, and I respect people that can justify there beliefs... But this post isn't directed towards them...