Thursday, January 12, 2006

And So It Begins

School has started, and after the habitual "changing of classes" that i seem to go through at the start of each semester (I hope I spelled it right this time), I am not ready to venture out into my academic career once again...

Whats the best part of my semeste you ask?


It would be hard to narrow it down, but if you are burdened with a heavy semester, you may not want to hear this (so I suggest you avert your eyes)....

First, I do not have class on MWF until 3 in the afternoon...

My first (and only class) on MWF is choir...

I do not have any labs for any of my classes...

I do not have any papers for any of my classes...

Two of my classes are rumoured to be easier than choir...

There you have it... Such is my life... but regardless, I need to crack down on ym study habits... which is the plan...


MWF is all clear in the monings/early afternoon, so I was thinking about doing regular board games (some people stopped by today... I was in the middle of another game, but it was fun once I managed to get away)...

So anyone interested should just stop by my room when they have a chance (I'll have my schedual posted on my door in a few days most likely... but like I said, nothing before choir)...



morgan said...

yay neal! you passed your spelling test... good on ya. it doesn't seem like the learning/studying involved in that created too much stress, which is good considering the tough course load you're looking ahead to. ;)

quick question... what's the chances of beginning a game at say... somewhere around 1:30-ish and having it done by 3?

neal said...

I have class at three (before three actually) so it quite likely we shall be done by then...

morgan said...

k, k cool. because i have class until 1:30 but i'd love to play a boardgame every once in a while... if i can...