Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bells of the Hand Variety

So it turns out a lot of people read my blog that I had absolutely no clue of...

And some of them may have had a few things to say about my posts of recent... Meh...

I'm slowly getting over the fact that the conservatives are in power, and I have resigned to the fact that they won't be able to get anything too crazy through thanks to the fact that they would need to convince either the bloc or the liberals to vote with them... *phew*


I have been, as of recent, making my stand in what I regard as an injustice. I'm not going to back down, and I may lose out on something I've really been looking forward to, but I already had quite a long meeting about it today and wish not to discuss it further...

This last weekend was handbell retreat... It was actually quite a bit of fun as far as ringing 4 bells and 1 chime can be...

Apparently my weaving and ring-clapper-grab-to-thingy are looking quite well... Our first 'performance' is this weekend... It should be fun...

Man oh man did my forearms hurt after ringing bells for so many hours though...

And the people in bells are nice enough... No complaints as of yet...

It was quite humourous, because someone brought up how much I used to hate bells (ha ha... used to... right guys?)

I quickly did a redirect...

Now, I would like to point out that I do not and have not ever hated handbells... I just don;t find them particularly entertaining for more than about... I don't know... ten minutes at a time... but there a lot of fun to play... And a lot of the things I've ever said about bells have been reactionary to annoying people or annoying actions carried out by people in the handbells ensemble... and not necessarily the handbells themselves...

Anyways... Tonight is my B-Day bash... At Ezzies... No personal invites, but if you can come, you're welcome to!

My goal is to make it to midnight... but ezzies has not been kind to birthday revelers in the past... So wish me the best!



morgan said...

oh... how i LOVE handbells! ;)

-J said...

They are SO much fun. Execpt don't clank them together. Thats not good.

And your standing up for something you believe in. I know you have done this before, and I don't know why I'm saying this but I'm proud of you.

WELCOME TO THE ARTS FACULTY (I don't know if anyone has said this)

-J said...

And thanks-you for fixing that thing on your blog

neal said...


not everyone knows yet =)

Astley said...

What are you not telling me neal...hmm?

Alyson Sunny said...

WHAT ARTS??? HUH NEAL WHAT!!!!!! Anyway, congrats on likeing handbells, and also.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I tried to see you today, but you were not there. so HAPPY DAY HUGS!!!

-J said...

I'm just buggin him, becasue he's taking more a quite a few ARTS courses this semester.

morgan said...

...and what do you want to be when you grow up, neal? ;)

i feel like there's a birthday post draft saved somewhere, just dying to get out and let everybody know just how much fun you had?!

neal said...

better believe it