Friday, June 09, 2006

Stolen Sidekick

So, I've been following the story of Evan for a while now...

first the link: StolenSidekick

Summary... his friend left her Sidekick in a taxi, and some kid found it, and refused to return it... Theres a lot more to the story, including a rewrd for it's return, some threats, and a fake address...

Now the funny thing about a sidekick, is it can be set up to automatically download any pictures you take onto the internet...

ladies and gentleman, I present to you the face of a thief:

and her accomplice (the boyfriend or borther... or something)

Evan (the freidn of the person whos cell was taken) has dedicated his life to making sure that the cell thieves are humiliated for being selfish... So he created the website at the top of this post... It;s a really funny read. It includes both the myspace accounts of all the people involved (my undersanding is that since this story became so well known, people have been able to recognise them and have revealed a lot more information than Evan feels comfortable posting), a song written to commemorate the event (and a promised music video if enough hits are generated), as well as a list of sites that have currently connected to him...

Now... I suppose you wonder while I'm writing all of this...

You see, I checked ou the forum (they've crashed several forums thus far... it's been quite fun) and there is a photoshop section...

I laughed sooOoOOooo hard...

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