Wednesday, July 05, 2006

You learn a lot about a person...

...when you listen to their music for 8 hours.

We've decided to try to induce a little bit of excitement into our lives at work (I'm not sure of the real reason... but excitement sounds like a good one) by exchanging mp3 players for the day...

So far I've had Morgans and Ambers... tomorrow is Regans (she was mean to me, so I'm going to complain like I've never complained before)

Thing's I've learned from the mp3 players so far:

Turns out Amber is a girl... (I assure you, if you were to find ambers mp3 player on the ground, you would be able to listen to it for 5 minutes and know that a girl had owned it)

Amber also likes... umm... well... I'll save her the embarassment of owning up to some of the songs on her player, but I will ask one quick question: You expect me to just let you hit it, But will you still respect me if you get it? (nuff said)

Morgan has a lot of powerful and/or classic songs on her mp3 player.. which is nice... But she also has Omabolishire and Shag Tag by prozzak, 2become1 and stop right now! by spice girls, merry christmas/happy holiday by n*sync as well as a few other... special... songs thats eem to be escaping my memory right now (perhaps my brains defense mechanism has pushed them from my memory)... This leads me to the conclusion that morgan is suffering from MPD or BP...

I have also learned about myself that Sarah Mclaughlin and Hedley are not meant for Neal... I tried to listen to every song as it came trhough on random, but I just couldn't be bothered to force myself through them... Although it seems Paula Cole is the same for everyone else, so it all evens out in the end... Go Karma Go!


Anonymous said...

so our mp3 players arn't full of disco rock... but they still have awesome songs on them... songs we actaully know the words too... and i wasn't totally mean... i liked that one know that one you don't like very much...well actually I like that one line from that one song...yup!

morgan said...

wait now.. what am i suffering from?
and you know you liked EVERY ONE of those songs... deny it all you want. ;)

neal said...

I don't understand where the label "disco rock" comes from...

I have funnk/reggae (mocking shadows and bedouin soundclash), I have pop (madonna, panic!, beck), I have soft rock (coldplay, arcade fire), I have rock (artic monkeys, offspring, high holy days)...

But I must say, my disco rock collection was severly under represented...

Unless you're considering anything with a lot of synth' as disco (postal service, the killers, panic!, coldplay)...

And at least half my songs aren't boys on accoustic guitars whining about life


Furious Rodimus said...

Neal, you should be grateful that:

a) I don't have an mp3 player, and

b) I don't work with you.

neal said...

how many different types of metal are there, rod?

Alyson Sunny said...

No you know, clearly I can see Neal listening to alot of types of music, but I honestly dont think he could handle listening to my music for 8 hours. Seeing as how I listen to a variety of Christian, (mostly softer stuff and praise) and then soft rock, like our very own Celine.(its true.) So Neal be glad I dont work with you.

Anonymous said...

I could just see Neal, sobbing in a bunker as he listens to "My Heart Will Go On". Yeah, good thing. lol. jjk Alyson, we still love you!

Furious Rodimus said...

1)Heavy Metal,
2)The New Wave of British Heavy Metal,
3)Shock Rock,
4)Original Hard Rock,
5)Progressive Metal,
6)Glam Metal,
7)Pop Metal,
8)Power Metal,
9)Early Punk,
10)First Wave of Black Metal,
11)Death Metal,
12)Thrash Metal,
13)Original Hardcore,
16)Stoner Metal,
17)Industrial Metal,
18)Norweigen Black Metal,
19)Swedish Death Metal,
22)Hard Alternative,
23)New Wave of American Metal
24)Goth Metal

24, Unless I missed some.