Monday, July 31, 2006

And then there was...

I wasn;t really lookiung forward to work this morning... it was raining...

ANd me and Amber are terrible judges of when we should be rained back to bed, or when we should just be miserable at work...

Well.. I'm a bad judge... Amber thought we should just call in (in my defence, we did call in... twice... with no answer)

And then, when we finally get to work, I hear those magic words that make my heart sink just a little bit...

"if you had just called in, I would have told you not to come into work this morning"

Those were the magic words... i was officially having the worst day ever... I missed my bed so much...


But then a glimmer of hope...

They rearranged the work list... 2 people on some jobs, 4 people on another...

"Neal! I don't want you dinking around! If this takes you more than an hour, you're fired!"

that's what I wanted to hear...

We were given simple tasks to comeplete... not because they wanted us to do stuff, but because we had shown up for work, and they needed to pay us, so they might as well have something to show for it...

two hours later, I was sound asleep in my bed...

Oh how I love my bed...

Oh... and today was payday!

yay payday!!!


that's my life...


mattyk said...

1. the nomadic hooker will move to where the best buisness is. be it 3 4 or 5 hours away.

ex) in cold lake when maple flag came (like a canadian top gun) there were hookers from calgary and edmonton disgusing themselves as trampy cold lake girls. the residents were not fooled/amused.

2. the industrial hooker or patriotic hooker. not patriotic as in country loving but patriotic in the sense they are not willing to leave their corner. be it because of age or buisness these hookers are a dying bunch because the nomadic hookers make prostitution more conveinient to their clientel.

ex) those dirty ones you see on the corner wearing a short skirt in -40 weather. cant afford to move to a better location or too lazy or the buisness is good on their corner.

more research is required to obtain more information

in an unrelated topic...does anyone have a ten foot poking

-matty k

Darren said...

Matt, I didn't realize you were so interested in prostitution. Is it a trade you are looking at taking up?

neal said...


Darrens seems far to interested to suggest a "healthy" employer-employee realtionship...

remember matt, no means no... use with care

Anonymous said...

i know where we can get a pole.
we might need to break a lock to get it....
but i do know where it is atleast.

Anonymous said...

Chelsey's blog (if you are interested)

She has some stories about customers and whatnot. Yay!