Tuesday, June 15, 2004


So under normal circumstances I would refrain from posting any stories solely about the inability of some people to use interac. Although Canada is the top nation as far as interac usage, there are still many millions of people who still do not use it frequently enough to fully understand the implications and risks associated with the process.

That being said, most people understand that if you do something, you should be willing to own up to it. (Even 80+ y/o immigrants who probibly don't speak a word of english come through our store and make many different purchases problem free because they understand all of this)

And that being said, I shall now introduce to you the Interac Lady. (Please note that under normal circumstances she would have been "Soccer mom"-- the type of lady who would beat up a referee-- but due to the circumstances, "Interact Lady" is more suitable).

So throughout the day we do many thousands of dollars of purchases. This day was just such a day, with somewhere in the range of $10k in (relatively) problem free gasoline purchases. Now, I don't know how many of my readers (if I do have any to begin with), but occasionally you run into a problem where vapour pressure builds up in your engine and you cease to be able to pump (there is a sensor on the end of the nosal that detects when your tank is full, and the added pressure tricks the sensor into thinking the tank is full when it may, indeed, be running on empty). By now all of my fellow GSA's are nodding.

Now that you are familiarized with a little bit of background, I will add this little bit of added knowledge. If you pay at the pump, and you put the nosal down into its holster-- at any time, for any reason, for any amount of time-- YOU (not me, not the guy at pump 4, not God, or Alah, or YHWH, or Budda, or Society, or the Media, or the Kindergarten teacher that touched you inapropriately -- but YOU) END YOUR TRANSACTION. It's as simple as that. It's like hitting send on an email. No take backs. No exceptions. I'm sure you're guessing where Im taking this, but I will finish none the less.

Her first purchase of $3.73 was hassle free. But when it came time for the second purchase (which, due to her termination of the first purchase-- was an inside sale) all hell broke loose.

Suddenly, it was everyone, but herself of course, who was at fault for the additional fee that was to be incurred for making the second purchase on her interac (she at the time was carrying "no cash" at the time-- although I could see the wads of money poking out from her faux leather purse-- and would need to pay the additional $17 second purchase with interac as well). But of course, idiots do not simply allow stupidity to die. They have to push every last breath out, kicking and screaming all the way.

She decided that since it obviously wasn't her fault for the fee the banks charge on interac purchases, or her fault for the second transaction, that I would need to cover the costs.

Yes you heard right.

This bitch-- driving around in a cherry red BMW, with an $80 manicure, a fesh head of bleeched hair, buying super premium gasoline-- expected me to pay for her idiocy.

Now, not only did she request it, she demanded it. Very vulgarly I might add. After explaining to her why she would be charged for a second transaction regardless of how much she yelled, she became quite irate and began the finger pointing/ fist shaking argument (perhaps this strategy works somewhere). I could hear my coworker laughing in the back, he wanted no part of this.

It became obvious to me that this is one of the adverse affects of womens lib. If husbands had continued beating their wives-- like theyre supposed to-- this bitch would have been much more submissive. But no.

After 5 mins of her yelling, and me trying not to yell back (oh so hard btw) I finally caved and said "Have your fucking $.50, its not THAT much money."

I felt like less of a person afterwards. Like she had won, despite my being right. I didn't pay the 50 cents though. I was tempted to write it down with all of her information (I had her full name due to the interac, plus I could have her LP, make/model of her car) and mark it as a drive off. But again, I didn't.

My life is now meaningless. I have stolen $.50 from my boss.

And a cookie.

...And a hotdog.

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