Friday, June 03, 2005

Multiple Purchases

Today was an alright day -- I was lazy as heck, but thats besides the point ;)

Anyways, an extended Sikh family comes in to the (I say extended because the three women look excpetionally alike and were wearing matching clothing... well their clothing was made of matching fabric... really nice silk...)

They brought with them children, who inevitably ran straight for the slurpee machine... Each person grabed a slurpee cup, filled it up and came back to the till... Otherwise, these would have been perfectly acceptable customers, had what transpired next not occured...

I ring in the slurpees, announce the total, ask for a ptro points card, offer the upsell (doritos for $0.79) and grab the method of payment. A mastercard.

I swipe it through and the computer goes through the verification process... I return the card...

It usually takes about 6 seconds, there is a timer on the computer...

About 4 seconds in to the verification, one of the ladies announces she would like a pack of Peter Jackson light kingsize.

I grab it, and ask for a method of payment, she slides the credit card back across the counter...


I ring it through...

This is where the boyfriend comes from out of nowhere, and puts bottles of pop on the counter, announcing this too (the recipt from the smokes transaction is already printing)...

I ring the bottles of pop in, ask how theyd like to pay for this, the credit card comes sliding back...

This time I check... "Is this everything?" I ask sheepishly...


I swipe the card a third time, verification again...

The boyfriend is halfway across the store grabbing bags of chips before the recipt starts printing...

He comes back with two bads of doritos (on special for 2/$5), for the final transaction on the card...

So now I'm standing here waiting for him to sign for all four purchases (each recipt is a must sign) thinking "I hope he gets a paper cut"...

No such luck...

My last hope is that he gets charged an exhorbant amount when he exceeds a certain number of transactions...

1 comment:

Share said...

Oh man, Neal. I can relate. I've had that sort-of thing happen to me before as well. You beat me at how many times they wanted to change their order though. I think the most changes in a Visa order were probably 3. Joy, eh?