Saturday, June 18, 2005

Patience, Please

I'm sure you can imagine, working in a place where there are a lot of customers, and a lot of tasks to do, there needs to be room for a little bit of oversight... Especially in regards to customers that are doing slightly illogical things...

For example... (we're going back in time to Thursday, because I totally forgot this happened until this morning)

I was doing my other tasks whilst my fellow employee was serving customers...

To be specific, I was changing garbage bags and stocking products...

When I had finished (took about 15 minutes) I loaded myself up with more than an armful of collapsed boxes, and a half dozen relatively full garbage bags- and I headed towards the door, and onward in the dumpster...

Once outside, I noticed the was a car angle parked in the blindpot we have in full serve... The blind spot is the point where both the pillar holding up the building, and pump 7 block the view to any vehicles at pump 8... Normally, you can spot cars at pump 8 when you are walking around the store (as I was) but because she was agle parked, there wasnt a hope in heck of us seeing her, unless one of us happened to go outside..

Why you would angle yourself like that is beyond me... But I shall continue...

I didnt just drop all of the things I was carrying... I made eye contact with the lady, and nodded my head, then walked around the corner and placed all of the junk in a pile out of the way, and then hurried over to full serve...

Now imagine this...

A little old grey haired lady, driving an old ford tempo, with a handicap sign in the rear view mirror...

Now imagine this...

She glares at mean, revs her engine, and speeds out of the parking lot...

And flips me the finger on her way out...


1 comment:

Jenn said...

i'm at work, la, la, la, no site blocked, la la la .