Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Tiresome People

My title for this is slightly misleading... There is actually only one person whom was really tiresome...

I'll give you a hint she was a customer... and she was bitchy...

Thats right, a bitchy customer...

Well, I bet you all know I have a story to tell...

I was in the midst of serving a customer (my co-worker was stocking the potato chips) when a full serve pulled up...

I was just waiting for the debit to go through, so I yelled to my co-worker that all was fine, and that I would get the full serve so she could continue putting away the salty-packaged-bags-o'-potato-goodness...

Enter the bitch...

She had come running in from the full serve pump (keep in mind this is a period of about 20 seconds between swiping the card, customer entering debit info, and recipt getting printed... we are the most debiting country in the world, you should all be familiar with the process)... She throws (and I mean balls up and physically tosses) a $5 bill at me all the while saying in a raised and angry tone "If we have to prepay there should be a fucking sign"

I wanted to shout back "If you didnt see the fucking full serve sign then why the fuck would you see the prepay sign?"

but I didnt...

The moral of the story is i want to now petition to put up a sign that says "fucking only"... or something... That was whenever someone tells me I "need to have a fucking sign" I can point to it...


Anonymous said...

lol.... I feel sorry for you...

Alyson Sunny said...

some peoples kids. Maybe she thought full serve ment something else. ( I will let you dicide what!) :)

neal said...

Alyson, you're mind is getting quite dirty... perhaps we have finally broken through?

Scott, Eric, Mattyk! We've warped her mind!


odesa said...

Neal - I think its a SPLENDID idea - I think he need a fucking sign at The Ukrainian Canadian Congress office.. maybe that would make the tedium more tolerable.