Friday, May 26, 2006

He Said

So my boss looked at me (well... two of us) and said

"You guys impress me!"

Very sincere, looked us in the eye's, no laugh afterwords (or "just kidding" gestures)...

And then he put us back on weedwhacking...

On the plus side, starting work at 530 in the morning makes the day go by a lot quicker (plus it allows me to finish my other duties faster - due to the lack of golfers in the way - which allows me to start weedwhacking even earlier...)

Now I know weedwhacking is a major part of the job, and I knew that before I started working here... but seriously, I've logged about 10 hours of carrying those things in the last two shifts...

and my arms are tired ='(

On the plus side, it gives me something to complain about... and we all know how much I likfe to complain (and bug morgan about being on the 3100)


morgan said...

oh ya... umm, i think we forgot to tell you... jamie's a compulsive liar. but only when he's complimenting the boys. just sayin'... ;D

*cough* WHIPPING *cough*

Anonymous said...

jamie told me he's very impressed with the four of us. we're good workers, and he'd hire pretty much anyone we broguht in because of this.
then he commented "but if anyone screwes up(or just sucks at the job) its on morgan's and your {regan} head."

so don't screw up!

neal said... will end this, once and for all:

1 entry found for weed whacker.
Main Entry: weed whacker
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a power-driven device that trims grass with a rapidly rotating nylon cutting cord

No entry found for weed whipper.
Did you mean weed whacker?

weed whacker
Wood tapper
wood tapper

morgan said...

yes. i meant wood tapper. NERD!!!!

Anonymous said...

weed whipper is actaully the brand name... so says jamie