Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Two Things

First off: I tested out the golf course today... It was good fun, and I think I can make a story about how we turned a par 5 into a par 15...

Second off: I haven't pruned my "other blogs" section since last year... If your blog is listed and you would like to keep it listed I would like to see a post, of any sort, in the month of june... THat's all... Even if the post is 4 words... 'Please don't delete me' or 'I love you Neal'...

Any blogs that don't have a post by the end of june 30th will be cast from my memory...

Also, if you would like your blog added to my list, leave a comment... I'll review, and add (please no spam though... I don't care if my friends write about boring things... but if some stranger posts 100 comments about cheap vaccuum cleaners, you can be sure it's not gonna make it....)


-J said...

I should just point out, that your code is a mess as well. so if you ever get a chance clean it up. It will make your blog look a tad bit more FireFox compatable

neal said...

haven't used firefox since the new ie came out...

Furious Rodimus said...

Neal golfs. Happy Gilmore style?

Anonymous said...

ummm... have my babies?
don't delete me?
