Saturday, October 22, 2005

Maybe I'm lame but...

... There just aint no party like an S-Club Party!


Anonymous said...

true that.

odesa said...

omg neal -the look on your face in the first picture is priceless. I laughed my ass off.. you look very very proud of yourself

neal said...

I was going for the gazelle look...

A gazelle would look that happy at an s-club party (cuz there aint no party like it)

Anonymous said...

You're ideal job is definatley a stripper...definatley

odesa said...

A gezelle.. nooo no I'm thinking more like a merecat hopped up on sugar and..uhh.. parties. S-club Parties

neal said...


Odessa! You Crack Me Up!!!

Share said...

oh. dear. lord.

good times, good times.