Saturday, October 29, 2005


So whats more fun than going to a theatrical production?

Going to a theatrical production put on at a gay bar dressed as the main character and shouting things at the actors on stage...

Yes my friends, I went to Rocky Horror picture show... dressed as a attempted Frank'n'Furter...

My two problems though were as follows: my costume was incomplete... I didnt have fishnets, I didnt have a wig, I wore a miniskirt instead of manties... and problem 2, it was WAY too cold to be parading through the streets of edmonton wearing nothing but a miniskirt and a corset (and shoes and underwear)

Oh well...

Tonight I'm a cowboy


Anonymous said...

i can't decide if that is something i would've liked to see, or if it should just stay in the realm of the unknown for awhile.

i kinda hope you got pictures though...

neal said...

I'll post pictures as soon as I get 'em


Anonymous said...

He always reminded me of my first wife.


neal said...



Share said...

oh my.

yes, that would have been a sight to see.

i have fairy wings...