Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Real Post (to forget about the last one)

So a few things are malfunctioning in dorm as of recent...

I thinkI made mention of the fact we havent had hot water in a week... Do you know how exciting it is to take ice cold showers every night? It's a beautiful thing to have your testes retract completely inside your body, and have your brain all but shut down as you lie on the floor convulsing from shock from the pure cold...

The TV has been all but out of comission for the last two weeks... I think the VCR did it, but I'm not going to fix it (as I will probibly only manage to reduce the number of stations we are currently getting even more)... We can't watch the daily show or family guy!!! NO FAMILY GUY!!!

The washer machine is in the process of being fixed... You might be thinking "thats good, it's being fixed!" but this is not the case... We are loathing the day they came in to fix it... Up until last thursday, the washer machine was free... Free free free... Of course it needed to be fixed, concordia wasn't sucking the blood directly from our bodies... Leeches, I say, leeches... Isn't bad enough that we have to pay for extra forks at the cafeteria (even though we eat 3 meals a day there) ... but the one thing that actually manages to bring us a semblence of happiness (1/2 price laundry) they rush in to 'save the day' and bring it back up to full price... Oh! Best part! there is now only 1 dryer for 37 guys until the dryer is fixed... Line-ups anyone?

And tonights little addition to the broke-down list: Microwave... I mean, really, who needs food after 630pm... not any of the guys in dorm... It's dead... Dead as Christopher Reeves (ah ha ha to tasteless humour)... Of course, I found this out AFTER I sepnt 10 minutes waiting for my KD to cook... When the mac came out hard and cold, I figured there was a problem... especially after 10 minutes..

I'm sure there will be more things to add to this list very soon... But at least they fixed the hole in the roof in the hallway, I think... after 3 years...

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