Saturday, October 01, 2005


So I went in for my consultation! Yay!

It'll be about three weeks before I get to see the design (and then make any adjustments I would like)...

If it's a gooder, then I can book my appointment then...

Woot Woot!

Oh, and I got new jewelry... I got a curved barbell for my rook piercing...

Whilst I was sprawled across the table waiting for him to be ready to change my jewellry, he asked me what I wanted to get pierced next...

I commented, tongue in cheek, that he needed to tell me how many more referrals I needed to make before my next piercing was free...

He retorted that that was the reason for inquiry...

So my next piercing is free (I'm gonna wait a while so that I can heal my tatt and my rook properly before I get a new piercing)

Oh, and my russian horror movie came in yesterday!


It's so good, and it was a cliffhanger ending (because its the first of a three part series) that didnt leave me feeling completely empty...

Think LoTR:FotR, and not batman the original series...

But thats my news...


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