Monday, November 21, 2005


My computer is fixed... thank god...

the entire time it was gone all I could think of was "I quit smoking... you can't leave me too"

but its back thanks largely in part to J to the Eiffert...

Oh, and we've resolved to eat at as many ethnic eateries as we can find...

I'll make a list of countries we've done so far and put it in the side bar... It'll be something new for me to update on my blog...


I decided to put the 'authentic' ethnic food I ate during the meal, as well as the country... That way I won't fudge results like "in laos they eat sushi too"...


Astley said...

Where'd you find the Schnitzel?! You have to take me there! hmmm...

You quit smoking? When?

neal said...

I haven't had a cigarette in three weeks now...

and the restaurant is called 'the Mill'... its just off of whyte on 101st st

Anonymous said...

Korean Food - Bul-Go-Gi house - have you been? Its in Bonnie Doon and its amazing!


neal said...

I haven't been... I'll make the recomendation (one of the people in the ethnic food eat off is korean... so if he makes a funny face and tells me never to go there, I'll pass the message along)


-J said...

It was such a good restuarant too. Just think if you had left your computer on for longer you may have done more damage to the other parts, so consider yourself lucky

Anonymous said...

yay for quitting smoking!

go neal!

neal said...


el salvadorean!!!

-J said...

Oh and not to correct you or anything my last name is Eifert

neal said...

punishment for corecting me is I will now spell it wrong forever and ever

-J said...

You wouldn't have remembered anyways