Friday, November 04, 2005

Something New

SO I ended up getting my piercing... Due to the nature of my ear its not 'perfectly' straight, but its an interesting effect none the less... I'll try to trace down a camera tomorrow and get some pics (and of my rook too since many of you havent seen it either)

I almost didnt get my piercing today... I was really sick this morning (I gave my breakfast as an offering to the porcelain god)... But my teacher excused me from my exam, in the understanding that I would have myself checked out by a doctor...

But a few pills and a couple hours later I barely felt nauseous...

And since the piercing was free I was good to go...

I went with my friend to get a piercing of her own, prior to the pills kicking in, and almost backed out then... When I watched the needle going through her flesh I almost yahked on the spot... Don't tell her... Leah, don't read this paragraph...

I'm glad I didnt back out... I like being unique...

Oh well... Sleep time...


Astley said...

That's right Neal, I went through with it :0P...not as scheduled, it was a day late, but I did not back out! Are you proud?

By the way, if you're gonna get someone to not read a paragraph, tell them before - actually that wouldn't have worked with me, I would have still read it. Nevermind :0D

And if it makes you feel any better, when I read it, I myself hurled. Not sure if it's what you have (if you had a bug) or if it's for the same reasons as you (lack of sleep...i have tendancy to get like this without actually being sick if I'm not getting the sleep I should...yuck!)

Share said...

yummy, barfing!... i mean, new piercing! whoop!

Anonymous said...

neal, you'll probably never be anything less than unique.
i mean that as the most sincere compliment.