Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Not Afraid to <3 Martin
Conservatives governed Canada during our last majour recession... The Liberals turned the recession around and have provided a stable economy and the only surplus of the G8 nations...
In fact, during the high tech crash, which put the US into a recession, the Canadian economy remained stable and in surplus position. This is the only time in the history of our nation that we have not followed the US into a recession.
And need I remind everyone that Harper openly admits he would have supported the invasion of Iraq...
I'll keep mentioning these things every time I hear the words sponsorship scandal from a person who doesnt know what "exonerate" means...
Yes, I realize that $100 million was spent irresponsibly... Yes I realize it wasn't spent building the worlds largest cowboy hat for Calgary... but that doesn't hide the fact that Paul Martin has been exonerated...
And to a certain fellow... I shall call him Astorp Ombrowskid... you're doing a real service to the christian faith for HARASSING students and calling them "idiots" for their political affiliation...
You have lost ALL of my respect!
Once Again
I've Said it before and I'll say it again:
Harper is Scary!
A Vote for the Liberals is a Vote against Harper... Every seat he doesn't take is one step further away from letting this monster in control!
"Human rights commissions, as they are evolving, are an attack on our fundamental freedoms and the basic existence of a democratic society…It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff." (BC Report Newsmagazine, January 11, 1999)
yes... let us go back to a time where blacks, and women couldn't vote... human rights are a terrible idea... how could we ever let them interfere with the democratic running of this nation!
“But I'm very libertarian in the sense that I believe in small government and, as a general rule, I don't believe in imposing values upon people.” (National Post, March 6, 2004)
I take that to mean he doesn't intend on imposing his beliefs on you so long as you are a heterosexual WASP (white anglo-saxon protestant) who doesnt support abortions and make large amounts of money from the oil industry... otherwise I don;t think this quote applies to us...
“These proposals included cries for billions of new money for social assistance in the name of “child poverty” and for more business subsidies in the name of “cultural identity”. In both cases I was sought out as a rare public figure to oppose such projects.” (The Bulldog, National Citizens Coalition, February 1997)
Fuck the children... go corporations go!!!
“After all, enforced national bilingualism in this country isn’t mere policy. It has attained the status of a religion. It’s a dogma which one is supposed to accept without question. … [M]ake no mistake. Canada is not a bilingual country. In fact it is less bilingual today than it has ever been...As a religion, bilingualism is the god that failed. It has led to no fairness, produced no unity, and cost Canadian taxpayers untold millions.” (Calgary Sun, May 6, 2001)
Phew... at least we wont have to worry about him winning any seats in Quebec
“It is imperative to take the initiative, to build firewalls around Alberta, to limit the extent to which an aggressive and hostile federal government can encroach upon legitimate provincial jurisdiction.” (National Post, January 24, 2001, “Open Letter to Ralph Klein”)
Cuz regionalism is a good thing in a federalist democracy....
“If Ottawa giveth, then Ottawa can taketh away… This is one more reason why Westerners, but Albertans in particular, need to think hard about their future in this country. After sober reflection, Albertans should decide that it is time to seek a new relationship with Canada. …Having hit a wall, the next logical step is not to bang our heads against it. It is to take the bricks and begin building another home – a stronger and much more autonomous Alberta. It is time to look at Quebec and to learn. What Albertans should take from this example is to become “maitres chez nous”. (National Post, December 8, 2000)
Is anyone else tired of the mentality of any albertan in power that somehow, because of the natural resources which are available, we are entitled to a lot more than we currently get? WE DID NOTHING TO GET THE OIL!!! NOTHING!!! Just because we have it does not mean we are special...
“Whether Canada ends up as one national government or two national governments or several national governments, or some other kind of arrangement is, quite frankly, secondary in my opinion… And whether Canada ends up with one national government or two governments or ten governments, the Canadian people will require less government no matter what the constitutional status or arrangement of any future country may be.” (Speech to the Colin Brown Memorial Dinner, National Citizens Coalition, 1994)
We don't need no stinking Canada!!!
"There is a dependence in the region [Eastern Canada] that breeds a culture of defeatism," (CBC News, May 30, 2002)
Uh-huh... Okay... so no seats in the maritimes either...
"I think in Atlantic Canada, because of what happened in the decades following Confederation, there is a culture of defeat that we have to overcome. …Atlantic Canada's culture of defeat will be hard to overcome as long as Atlantic Canada is actually physically trailing the rest of the country." (New Brunswick Telegraph Journal, May 29, 2002)
Does he have any idea about the history of Canada... does the collapse of the fishing idustry ring a bell? This is not a self induced state of mind...
"There's unfortunately a view of too many people in Atlantic Canada that it's only through government favours that there's going to be economic progress, or that's what you look to …That kind of can't-do attitude is a problem in this country but it's obviously more serious in regions that have had have-not status for a long time." (Toronto Sun, May 31, 2002)
Silly maritimers are getting it bad from this guy...
“I've taken my position and frankly it's the same position that I took all through the [Alliance] leadership race. I delivered [speeches] everywhere I went, including in the Maritime provinces on several occasions, about the spirit of defeatism in the country and what drives it and how we have to address it.” (National Post, May 31, 2002)
Yes yes, we get it... we're defeated...
"I think there is a dangerous rise in defeatist sentiment in this country. I have said that repeatedly, and I mean it and I believe it." (Ottawa Citizen, June 3, 2002)
Yes yes, we get it... we're defeated...
“Canada appears content to become a second-tier socialistic country, boasting ever more loudly about its economy and social services to mask its second-rate status…” (National Post, Dec. 8 2000 p. A18)
We are THE ONLY idustrialized nation in surplus position... This is in lieu of us having some of the best and well funded social institutions... Damn rights I'm going to boast that my nation has an economy stronger than that of nations 10x it's size...
“I think in parts of the Prairies we are increasingly seeing similar views that there is no hope, there is no way forward, all we can do is negotiate with the party in power. So I think in any region where you have sustained under-development or lack of growth for a long period of time, this starts to develop… I'd say frankly, generally the kind of can't-do attitude is a problem in this country but it's obviously more serious in regions that have had have-not status for a long time.” (Toronto Star, May 30, 2002)
I should put this up with the other quotes... but I wont...
"You've got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society." (Stephen Harper, Report Newsmagazine, January 22, 2001)
There is no such thing as a Canadian ghetto... his use of the word is insulting... Especially with his implication that only people that live in ghettos would vote for the liberals... In BC (where 8 of the 14 liberal seats west of ontario were won) the seats were in the expensive areas of Vancouver and the whole of Victoria... there goes that theory... Of course if you're a WASP, and you don't vote conservative, there must be something wrong with you, right?
"We have in this country a federal government that increasingly is engaged in trying to determine which business, which regions, which industries will succeed, which will not through a whole range of economic development, regional development corporate subsidization programs. I believe that in the next election we got to propose a radical departure from this." (Global News, February 24, 2002)
But as long as this region is Alberta, this mindset is justified... right?
Harper incorrectly predicted that the annual cuts of up to $19-20 billion to federal expenditures proposed by the Reform Party would not be sufficient to eliminate the federal deficit:
On the Iraq War:
“I don't know all the facts on Iraq, but I think we should work closely with the Americans.” (Report Newsmagazine, March 25 2002)
Why the hell does a person who can't be bothered to learn about the invasion of a foreign nation even consider himself elegible for the leadership of a nation?
“We should have been there shoulder to shoulder with our allies. Our concern is the instability of our government as an ally. We are playing again with national and global security matters.'' (Canadian Press Newswire, April 11, 2003)
Now that we know more about what has happened, and surprise surprise there is oil in Iraq (who would have guessed that stability in the oil fields was a reason for invading), would he still have backed the US... or was it all for the humanity of it all (cuz using napalm to burn down an entire city is a very humane thing to do)
“On the justification for the war, it wasn't related to finding any particular weapon of mass destruction. In our judgment, it was much more fundamental. It was the removing of a regime that was hostile, that clearly had the intention of constructing weapons systems. … I think, frankly, that everybody knew the post-war situation was probably going to be more difficult than the war itself. Canada remains alienated from its allies, shut out of the reconstruction process to some degree, unable to influence events. There is no upside to the position Canada took.” (Maclean’s, August, 25, 2003)
Oh! I get it... we should have gone in so that we could take advantage of the rebuilding process and... well... the oil...
“The world is now unipolar and contains only one superpower. Canada shares a continent with that superpower. In this context, given our common values and the political, economic and security interests that we share with the United States, there is now no more important foreign policy interest for Canada than maintaining the ability to exercise effective influence in Washington so as to advance unique Canadian policy objectives.” (Canadian Alliance Defence Policy Paper: The New North Strong and Free, May 5, 2003)
Wow... someone is influenced by Anne Coulture, eh? America says so... so we should follow... lest the roll over and smother us in their sleep...
“This party will not take its position based on public opinion polls. We will not take a stand based on focus groups. We will not take a stand based on phone-in shows or householder surveys or any other vagaries of pubic opinion… In my judgment Canada will eventually join with the allied coalition if war on Iraq comes to pass. The government will join, notwithstanding its failure to prepare, its neglect in co-operating with its allies, or its inability to contribute. In the end it will join out of the necessity created by a pattern of uncertainty and indecision. It will not join as a leader but unnoticed at the back of the parade.” (Hansard, January 29, 2003)
“While there are Canadians who oppose the invasion, Harper said, they are a minority, as are those who are anti-American. It certainly exists. But in fairness, there's an anti-American sentiment among the American left in the United States itself. We have some of that here. But that's a minority sentiment.'” only in Quebec, with its “pacifist tradition,” are most people opposed to the war, Harper said. “Outside of Quebec, I believe very strongly the silent majority of Canadians is strongly supportive.” (Halifax Daily News, April 4, 2003)
I knew it... I don't support the war because Im french... wait a second... thats not right...
"we support the war effort and believe we should be supporting our troops and our allies and be there with them doing everything necessary to win" (Montreal Gazette, April 2, 2003)
We should support our allies ONLY when they are doing something worth supporting... Our allies could not adequately justify their invasion, so we did not join them...
“I will strive to make this not the highest-spending country in the world, but instead the lowest taxing one.” (Speech at the Conservative Leadership Convention, March 19, 2004)
“We must aim to make [Canada] a lower tax jurisdiction than the United States.” (Vancouver Province, April 6, 2004)
We pay more in taxes, they pay more in user fees... If you want the services, you have to pay for them...
Monday, November 28, 2005
Simply Waiting
I can log into msn... so the password hasn't changed... but hotmail.com says it has...
So I can see people have sent me messages... I just can;t read what they says...
Morgan? yours is the only one that isnt a fwd...
oh well time to sleep...
Friday, November 25, 2005
What Kind of City is This?
People that manage to make a living cooking food in third world and developing countries, yet manage to save up enough to jump across the pacific to come to canada, can feel free to cook me food whenever they want...
well... if they want... I don't want to be retarded and start saying things like "immagrants are only good for cooking food"... but if thats what they like doing... I will plant myself in a chair and eat until they have to roll me out of the building....
Tonight I had pan fried chicken with cracked pepper over rice...
I could have eaten it all night...
but our meal was ruined slightly by the fact that the restaurant we were eating at is also a bakery... and is stocked to the roof with an assortment of asian pastries, and goodies and breads of all sizes and colours...
And so when we were finished stuffing our faces... we started drooling at the thought of digging into some fresh pastries...
But the bakery part of the restaurant was "closed until morning"
It's just sitting there, waiting to be eaten... and the only thing thats stopping me from diggin in is a little sign on the pastry counter that says "closed"
so needless to say, we had gotten ourselves set on getting dessert...
So we go to the bubble tea shop next doork... which closes at 11 on thursdays!
(it was 1105)
so we went to a bubble tea shop we know on the south side... it's not open on thursdays....
We go to the gelato shop nearby... closed at 11
we go to death by chocolate... closed at 11... but there were still people in the shop (and the staff was prepping something)...
We get to the door just as they flip the sign on the door around from open to closed....
The entire city left us high and dry...
I wanted nothing more than asian dessert... I would settle for north american dessert....
I almost settled for tim hortons...
But then I got home made banana chocolate chip muffins...
My boss is so great!
Anyways... the moral of the story is, Im going to make it big by opening a 24 hour asian pastry shop and hiring a bunch of over skilled and underappreciated immigrant pastry chefs... You may think this is a pipe dream...
it will work, I swear!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Lazy Days
What constitutes a lazy day, you ask?
I slept through my first class... at 11:10 in the morning (not even an early class... I slept through an afternoon class wannabe)
But, I did wake up in time to go out for coffee...
Followed by a 15 minute "meeting"... we chatted about nothing and then left...
This was particularly stressful... and so to destress, I went out for coffee... again...
Follow this by video games... Which I have been wholy devoted to for the last several hours...
My life feels particularly stressful right now...
Well.. not really... but I think that is my own doing... I suppose if I actually did anyhting I would find it stressful...
And herin lies the problem... I am not one to find things for myself to do... I either do tasks assigned... or I vegetate...
Someone please, give me something productive to do... lest i be forced to do homework...
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Thanks for the Nominations but...

... Now its time to vote! (well.. tomorrow anyways)
Nominations were accepted for three categories:
Best Personal Blog
Best Humour Blog
Best Blog Post Cake Taking
I ask that, if possible, you be truely democratic and read through some of the blogs in the categories... But that said, I really want to win as well
SO you can vote once per day at http://cba.myblahg.com/
Monday, November 21, 2005
Just so we can get it off at the start, I am completely out of ideas for titles of my posts... unless of course they have something specific to talk about... Perhaps this post will develope a specific topic, but I don;t want to get you're hopes up...
I'm sure you're used to my mindless ramlbings anyways...
This weekend I was offered a glimpse into everythig that cafeteria food could be...
I made mention of all the great foods that have been ingested by myself, but thats only the half of it... Over the weekend the cafe actually served REALLY good food...
Yes, thats right... I just said our cafeteria served food that was more than edible... it was actually tastey!
But like the cheese used to draw a mouse, only to snap its dreams, hopes, and aspirations (and spleen) I'm thinking that they only did that to stop the constant barrage of complaints they recieve from every person forced to eat their god awful food more than once a week...
Needless to say, todays food was revolting...
Especially lunch => It was tortilla lasagna fiesta... or something like that...
Picture this... Make lasagna with pita bread instead of noodles... Serve with a smile and an arbitrary adjective... like fiesta...
Oh did I mention that you need to overcook it... but without enough cheese, meat, carboard, or generic spice to make it taste like anything (I may have killed if I could have at least gotten the taste of newsprint from the soggy pita mess that was my lunch)...
For dinner, it looked even more unappealing (yes... I do intend to imply that lunch was a little less than appealing)
I had the chicken fingers...
Oh beautiful chicken fingers, how I love thee... Saving me from the terror that is cafe food...
So who wants to live in dorm next year!!!
the entire time it was gone all I could think of was "I quit smoking... you can't leave me too"
but its back thanks largely in part to J to the Eiffert...
Oh, and we've resolved to eat at as many ethnic eateries as we can find...
I'll make a list of countries we've done so far and put it in the side bar... It'll be something new for me to update on my blog...
I decided to put the 'authentic' ethnic food I ate during the meal, as well as the country... That way I won't fudge results like "in laos they eat sushi too"...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Ready for Christmas Yet?
Ever actually 'lol'
two leprachauns walk up too a convent in ireland the head nun opens the door, the first leprachaun says "sister are there any nuns in your convent that are my size?" the nun says "no there are no nuns in my convent that are your size". he then says, "but are there any nuns in ireland that are my size?" and she replies "no there are no nuns in ireland that are your size" he looks a bit nervous and says "well are there any nuns in the whole world that are my size" and she says "no lepracachaun there are no nuns in the whole world that are your size" and hearing this the second leprachaun starts laughing his ass off and says "SEE! I TOLD YOU, YOU FUCKED A PENGUIN!"
In case you didn't know, i like tasteless jokes, but this one really appealed to the fact that i havent heard any jokes that are much like at all...
So tonight was swimming... that was exciting... and coffee, even mroe so...
there was a customer in Tim Hortons ragging on the cashier (who seemed new to the job but obviously trying her best to do it well) because someone at another franchise had dome something to piss him off and he wanted compensation...
Needless to say, it had scam written all over it...
We muttered things under our breath about how much of an ass he was... He left... The cashier flashed us a "oh god I was this close to breaking down into tears and dying thank you thank you thank you" face... We made snide remarks and continued our transaction as normal...
And what do we get for our services? stale strudels and a "hot smoothie" that was barely hot and hardly smooth...
I bitched about the coffee, and got a new one... that was even more devoid of flavour and warmth... When I got back to dorm, I put it next to the computer... that was four hours ago, and it still there...
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Nothing earthshaking, but it's pretty safe to say that a few of my friends are gonna need a lot of prayer for the next little while... Unnamed prayers anyone?
I like having heart to hearts... or in 1337 it would be <3 2 <3
I'm so lame... Anyways, it seems everyone has a strong desire to pour their hearts out to me as of recent... Not that I mind so much... I'm getting used to the whole 'caring' thing... As surprising as it may be, I might actually like this caring thing... Or at least I might be starting to...
Drunk people are comming in now...
One thing I'm NOT getting used to is babysitting for 18-22 y/o's who can't pick a time to stop drinking...
And I wish they wouldnt touch me innapropriately... The las thing I want is some guy comming in to the room while I'm sitting at the computer, reaking of whiskey and groping my breasts...
I can't say I know too many people who would appreciate that, but me especially...
But I must say, I am forever in debt to the persons who have kept concordia a dry campus... I can only imagine how much more shit I would have to put up with if they could drink like this all the time...
I think thats all I have time to post tonight...
I gotta go make sure they get into their rooms...
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
One of those Special Moments
I'm starting to feel less sick (still sick, just less so... so everyone continue feeling sorry for me, please) but I, of course, need to force myself to go to classes and labs... Cuz sitting through hours (plural) long lectures about random chemistry and economics stuff is the LAST thing you want to do when you feel like painting the carpet with your cookies (cookies make you feel better when you're sick, I assure you)
Even if I really didnt want to, I had to go to my chem lab... But I was forcing myself to anyways, I would have to go in on my own time in order to catch up otherwise.... and that could cut into my video game time =D
SO I went into my lab with a smile on my face (smiling as much as I could muster even though I had no intention of enjoying myself) and prepared myself to try my best to fit an 8 hour lab into a 4 hour lab (its supposed to be a 2 day lab... but I figured I could cheat a little)...
I was doing really well...
Until a wave of not caring kicked in... And I mean KICKED!
Just all of a sudden it all dawned on me just how much i didnt want to be there... which apparently was a lot...
Out of nowhere "5mL of Urea" turned into "3 through 7mL of urea"... "Swirl gently" became "shake vigourously" (to speed up the reaction... and not because I was hoping that I would drop it and be excused from the lab for poor conduct)... And the "nitric acid should remain in a container and not all over the counter" rule stopped applying... for whatever reason...
The person next to me was like "are you trying to kill us?" And I replied with a "nope.... just myself... but if I take you down with me it'll be a bonus"... then i flashed a serious face as serious as I could get it... She didnt think it was funny at all... Which made me laugh even harder...
Speaking of which... I should probibly stop buring bridges in regards to the chem department... I mean, there aren;t to many chem students left... I can;t go all "I'm gonna kill you" on them... they'll start getting all skiddish whener I'm around...
So yes... I only did half of the lab (but it took me a little over 2 ours... I probibly could have finished) but I gave up anyways...
But not before spilling nitirc acid and urea all over the hot plates in fume hood... (I wasn;t spillling on purpose... I know how dangerous it can be...)
For those of you that don;t already know (I do have some yougers in my fanbase) nitic acid turns into nitrous oxides (city smog) and urea is in pee...
When I spilled my solutions on the burners, it smelled like someone was putting out a large fire with a bladder full of urine... and the fire was by a running automobile...
that is all
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Alarm Clock
One of the guys in dorm sleeps constantly...
But he always "needs to wake up in 15 minutes"...
Always... even if he's not doing anything... he needs to be up in 15 minutes so he can... I dunno... study... or something...
So he uses his cell phone as his wake up...
And so after 15 minutes, it rings to wake him up... He rolls over turns off the alarm, resets it for 5 minutes rolls over and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
It goes off again, he rolls over, resets it and goes back to sleep...
Me and his roommate were playing a videogame when he came in to take a nap... His alarm went off every 5 minutes for 3 hours!
I didn't say anything because it was his room, and not mine... but the option of switching rooms wasnt available...
And to make the alarm worse, its one of those "real music' ringtones... "Helena" by My Chemical Romance...
Every time I hear that song my eyes roll into the back of my head...
Next time it goes off, Im gonna throw it out of the window...
Monday, November 14, 2005
Never EVER feeling guilty about getting nothing accoumplished...
Today I did nothing... Well.. I paid off my credit card, but how hard is it to get someone to drive you to the bank?
Regardless, that was all I accomplished... And in order to celebrate all of my hard work, I think I'm going to go to bed early (yes people, this is early for me)
Did you know that in 1967 Canada celebrated its centennial? Did you know that in 1967 McDonalds opened its first restaurant in Canada?
Coincidence? apparently they think other wise...
While eating at McDonalds (dont ask me why... greasy McDonalds food is not fit for the immunally-challenged) I was reading that on their tray cover...
I thought it was so lame that i actually laughed out loud... Dont get me wrong, I like needless facts and statistics... in fact some would even say I wouldtn even be the same without them... But the "coincidence" thing they have as a tag line is soOooOooooOo terrible...
There were some other weird facts about potatoes and lettuce which I committed to memory, and Im sure if I am talking with any of you in person one or two of them is bound to come up...
I have a severe craving for Tim Hortons tomato parmesan soup...
I love tomatoe parmesan soup...
But I'll probibly have to wait a long while before I have the chance to eat any of it... *sigh*
I suppose I should make good of my word and head to bed...
Gnight all!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
I Don't Understand
I went out for Vietnamese food last night (I wasn't feeling well, so my friends took me out for soup... mmm soup)
It was chicken noodle, done V-t-mese style, with uber tasty bean sprouts and these tiny little noodles. I have been severly deprived, having once thought that only chinese, japanese, thai and (occasionally) koreans knew how to prepare fantabulous meals...
And the best part, for about $7 I had a bowl that I would never ever ina million years be able to consume... I gorged myself... And there was some left over... A lot... So tasty... probibly the best chicken noodle soup I have ever had...
On a side note Neal + Chopsticks + Tiny Noodles + Soup = huge sloppy mess...
I'm sorta glad I did end up going out, even though its obviously not going to make me feel any healthier... but at least I got some fresh air... And really, fresh air is what is important...
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Oh Yeah
yesterday I slept in quite late, which wasnt a problem because I was going to go to the keg for RA dinner...
We were given guidlines as to what we could spend, and although i intended to stick to it, I didnt do a very good job ;)
Anyways, it was super busy (what with it being a holiday and all) and so the food took quite a bit of time in arriving... But the wine didnt...
Now, I hadn;t eaten anything in a little over 24 hours, so by the time I was finishing my third glass of wine, I was a little on the drunk side...
By the time our food came I was damn near plastered...'
And, of course, Rod nominated me for saying grace... That was embarassing... I mumbled a few things about God and thanks and having a good year... I dont really remember what, but I remember it was pathetic... REALLY pathetic...
I focused on my food... chew chew swallow (I had the blue cheese fillet... very tasty!!) sip wine... don;t say anything stupid... chew chew swallow yum! sip dont say anything stupid... chew chew chew swallow sip chew swallow yum! sip... don;t say anything stupid...
Dinner ended, the bill was paid (thanks for paying for me meal residence students! mwahahaha) and we left...
By this time I am happily full and gleefully wasted... The shotgun begins...
Mattyk calls shotgun, I inform him of the universally applied rule that if you can't see the car you can't call shotgun for it...
He starts sprinting...
I follow suit (keep in mind that he was in a much more sober state then I)...
I focused on following him cuz, more or less, I had no idea where i was going and running when you're intoxicated is not a good idea...
All of a sudden, out of nowhere, there was a rock... not just any rock, but a rock of death, about knee high...
I tried to avoid it, but my leg was all like "screw you rock! I was here first!!!"
I managed to not make too much of a fool of myself... for about 15 seconds... I made it look like I pretended to run full force into the boulder...
ah ha ha good jok, eh guys?
Perhaps they would have bought it... if only my leg hadn't decided "screw you Neal, I'm going to bleed now!!!"
There was now a pool of blood forming in my sandal...
Grossest feeling ever...
But they were not yet aware of it... I could have pretended nothing happened, and hid the blood (it was dark)... but of course not...
Upon noticing I was bleeding, rather than hide my shame, my first reaction was "COOL! I'M BLEEDING!!! =D "
They laughed at me, my boss gave me that "you stupid drunk I should fire you on the spot but I love you too much" look... And we continued back to the car..
I used my bleeding as a reason to sit in the front seat.... worked like a charm!!!
Anyways, I grabbed a paper... And started reading through the various articles relating to what happened last century in Europe. Of course, the focus was on Canadian victories, where Canada helped, how many died where, sap story about some lost love finding each other after the war...
Of course everything was highly romanticized, making war out to be some sort of heroic battle where everyone ends up better off because of it...
Yay freedom; yay Canada!
I will be the first to admit, I am proud to be a decendant of a soldier from the second world war (I do not know the history of my family too far back but it is possible my great great grampa fought in the first world war). I reap a lot of benefits for living in Canada two generations after the first world war. I have freedom, a stable economy, blah blah blah, but almost as importantly, I get a life free from knowing just how bad war can be *crosses fingers*
I will never have to be a first hand observer of two of the greatest genocides in all of history...
For those of you who don't live in Edmonton, and havent taken a histroy course, it may come as a surprise to you, but there were two genocides at the time of the second world war... (~5 million Ukranians in the Holodomor and ~8 million Jews/Poles/Other in the Holocaust)...
I will not be the lab rat for newly created chemicals, barring rogue states and terrorist organizations of course, thanks to the Geneva protocol (and subsequent world non-proliferation/retaliation agreements) banning their use.
Inhaling mustard gas and being doused with napalm are not on my to do list...
I will never have to kill a person. I would rather die the victim of a terrorist act then live as a killer; irrespective of how bad the person I killed is. People have died for my right to say that.
I suppose I should end now. There are plenty of other reasons why we should be glad we live in a time we do. But its late, and I'm still not feeling as healthy as I should.
Good night.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Thursday, November 10, 2005
My Inner Child
Your Inner Child Is Surprised |
![]() You see many things through the eyes of a child. Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded. You cherish all of the details in life. Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things. |
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I hate it...
I'm miserable, I'm bitchy...
I almost cried during a cheesy movie (apparently sickness leads to a developement of human emotion in Neal)
Warning exposure to bacteria may cause neal to become hyper emotional!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
A Weekend Ends
I went to the play cast party though... I more or less forced myself... And then i forced myself not to be sick for a few hours... i think it worked as no one was like "oh neal you look so awful why don't you go home and go to bed"
They've been saying that every other time I've been out in public...
I suppose I'm complaining... But you know how when you're sick you want everyone to know how miserable you are? Thats battling it out with my desire to be independant...
I want to be babied, but I would never want anyone to baby me...
Perhaps tomorrow I'll have soup... I hope the cafeteria has good soup...
Umm... What else...
The ear slowly getting past the "I hate you! what did you do to me! I'm going to bleed to make you know how much I hate you!" phase... Although it still does bleed a little bit... Thats to be expected though...
Someones laptop was stolen from dorm today... Kinda scary to know that there are people who would do this... Even scarier to think that they have access to dorm...
Needless to say there will be punishments for anyone propping open the door to dorm from now on... I'll have to discuss with my boss what the punishment will be...
Yeah... Thats pretty much my life up to this point... If only you knew how truely boring I am, none of you would read my blog... Well... except for those of you who live a life more boring than my own...
Sleep time
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
Something New
I almost didnt get my piercing today... I was really sick this morning (I gave my breakfast as an offering to the porcelain god)... But my teacher excused me from my exam, in the understanding that I would have myself checked out by a doctor...
But a few pills and a couple hours later I barely felt nauseous...
And since the piercing was free I was good to go...
I went with my friend to get a piercing of her own, prior to the pills kicking in, and almost backed out then... When I watched the needle going through her flesh I almost yahked on the spot... Don't tell her... Leah, don't read this paragraph...
I'm glad I didnt back out... I like being unique...
Oh well... Sleep time...
Thursday, November 03, 2005
With Absolute Certainty (well, sometimes on occasion)
Well, I supose I shouldnt want to worry at all... but I especially dont want to worry about chem anymore. And perhaps I dont need to. I mean, this class is based on the lab... and I am doing fine in the lab... SO my exam this morning should reflect that... right?
I hope so...
Well... maybe hope is a bad word... I am fairly confident though...
I'm really looking forward to possibly getting the piercing tomorrow... I hope the piercer isnt like "hell no! you'd never be able to sleep again!"
That would suck...
Stupid exams...
Ugh! stupid high school kids...
They were giving me lip last night... I got a tad bit snippy...
Tad would be a mild uderstatement... if of course in some twisted universe, tad meant huge!
I snarled and I yelled...
They wr're being stupid...
And I I need to havea University floor meeting because of the practical jokes...
They've gone to far and someones feelings were hurt...
Oh well... I'm gonna have another nap...
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
I have to talk with the piercer first, but I think I know what Im going to get...
forward-helix to rook would probibly be the easiest way to describe it...
It'll be parallel to my industrial...
Heres a conceptual picture:

I think the effect could be quite cool!
Here's hoping my piercer says its alright (they generally wont do things that dont have a snowballs chance in hell of healing...)
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Busy Day
Tomorrow I agreed to wake up (early) to help out at a BBQ thingy in teglar...
Should be fun... hopefully I don't poison anyone... I suspect i wont be there for the full hour as I like my burgers e.coli free... which usually means char induced goodness... Which I know isn't the preference of the general populace... But really, if you put on enough ketchup, you dont even taste the Charcoal...
Then I'm going with friends to get body modifications... Two are getting tattoos, and one is getting a piercing (at least thats still the plan)
I think I want to get a new piercing as well, and I havea few ideas... but it will be dependant on time and and how much more jewellry I can fit in my ear =D
I then have to be back at school before choir in order to do a thank you presentation for the conductor we've had for the last few weeks... Not time consuming or anything... but it's something I've agreed to do... Then is choir... Choir is fun... especially the new conductor... he's quite the character, and he goes off on the strangest tangents... It really keeps us on our toes
I then have two (not one, but two) meetings... At the same time... Both are (more or less) manditory... Should be fun...
Then work... But one of the meetings goes into my work time... (incase you havent noticed eating dinner has yet to be schedualed in)
Then I need to study for my exam on thursday... Which will be fun in and of itself... I mean, who doesnt like studying for exams in classes that are bearably tollerable in and of themselves?
So tomorrow is going to be fun to say the least...
Another Wasted Night
I may have gotten slightly intoxicated at the school function last saturday...
By slightly, I, of course, mean completely... and by intoxicated, I mean filled with the Holy Spirit...
Well... no... I got smashed...
But hey, it is reformation weekend, and I have put up with god awful 'Luther is Great' comments for the last week... I swear to God, one more lame ass "...and thats why luther was the greatest saint of all time, amen" bible studies, I'm going to scream... Or convert to catholocism... At least when they venerate Mary, they don't make it so blatantly obvious...
So who in the class can tell me what the 6 topics covered by luthers small catechism are?
10 commandments, apostles creed, lords prayer, baptism, communion, and the alter sacrements...
Now who in the class, without referring to luthers small catechism, can find half of these topics in the bible?
It's a reference! Not a Crutch!
And at least I have the decency to make fun of catholics and have them rebute... In a public forum, I don't think it's tasteful to attack christian faiths simply because they don't believe in luther...
Well, I'm sure they believe in the historical luther... just not the mythological one whose out slaying dragons, recusing the maidens, and converting the... well... catholics...
Do you suppose I'm bitter?
By now all the lutherans are typing up their hate comments... While I'm sure the catholics are picking themselves up from their floors... But might I continue?
Nov 10th is martin luthers birthday...
Did you know that?
I sure did! Wanna know why? Because in 2002 Nov 10th fell on a sunday... On sundays I occasionally go to a little building called a church... On this particular sunday, we sang Martin Luther a warm Happy Birthday...
I'm sure he enjoyed our singing as he rolled over in his own grave (I don't think he'd be impressed by the amount of praise he recieves from the luthera church)...
But yes, we sang happy birthday for a guy who died almost 500 years before I was born... There was also cake...
Then we sang "A Mighty Fortress"... For those of you who don;t know, in the lutheran church there a few word changes... we sing "Luth-er Luth-er Luth-er..." tyo the tune of "a mighty fortress" because the more we say his name and pretend he was completely infallible, the more grace the almighty luther will pour out upon our souls...
For all you catholics, thats the secret... and thats why we don't have to go through purgatory...
Teach you to pray to a women... The bible even says they don't have any power...
Wait? You say women can be chosen to serve God in ways other than baking caseroles for pot-lucks?
Not in the lutheran church, my friend...
Oh wait... No, just not in the LCC church... thats right...
But that's a whole 'nother can of worms... One which I feel the need or desire to fight about... If women want power, they can take it from me, but I'm not about to get if for them...
Anyways, back to my disdain Idol worshipping going on in lutheran churches everywhere...
I think I'm almost completely devoid of compassion for the lutheran church... I think the only thing preventing me from running off and joining the catholic church is that I feel that the papacy is almost as bad as the lutheracy and the intrinsic errors I see in the priesthood...
insert angry comments here
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