Monday, December 12, 2005

Bad Mood

So, what is it about finally being in a good, non-depressed, mood that makes everyone feel the need to tell you that you've been in a terrible mood for such a long time before...

I mean, now that I am in a good mood (which might not last due to finals and all) I can look back over the last three weeks and be like "yup... I'm an ass"...

But everyone seems the need to tell me, like it is the most secretive thing in the entire world...

"neal... did uh... you know... uh that uh... you were in a terrible mood the last week or so?

Yes... yes I do... Because there were 15 other people lined up before you to tell me the exact same thing...

And kudos to the people who tried to cheer me up... I think the advent calender is what did it... I <3 Chocolate...

So yes... Neal => Good Mood... Don;t mess it up by giving me bad news or telling me that I'm grumpy, lest you want another 3 weeks of the grinch....

Today is my first final... Scary thought...

I should really be studying right now... but you know...


Write in blog?


Write in blog??


Write in blog!!!

And here we have it...

It saddens me that we are almost done the symester... I like living in dorm, but the guys will be moving out soon (for winter beak) and I will be left here all to my lonesome self... Well... with the high school kids anyways...

Not that they're much fun... Especially Allen... He's such a jerkface...

I'll probibly just end up drinking a heck of a lot of coffee... and monitoring a lot of study hours...

If anyone lives in the edmonton area and will be here for the week preceeding christmas, feel free to stop by for board games... Lots and lots of boardgames...

Pedrhaps I'll even make espresso.... i havent used that espresso machine in the longest time...

Hmm, I'm rambling now... I think it's been a while since I blog rambled... I'm sure you all missed it to death... what with my random jumping for boring topic to even more boring topic... the best of course being when I realise Im rambling and then make paragraph aknowledgements to my rambling ways....


So we went to a pool hall/sports bar yesterday for my friends birthday...

I have an exam today... So I didnt drink much at all (two drinks and I switched to pop... arent you proud!!!)

ANyways... THey were playing pool... most of them were playing better with drinks than I can without them... but thats besides the point....

The the birthday girl decides that since I'm not playing, that we should spice things up a bit... Next thing you know everytime the birthday girl or her teammate sinks a ball, I have to remove an article of clothing...

Oh... And I was wearing sandles... So I couldnt even use socks as a buffer...


the game of course ended very quickly after I refused to take off any more clothing...

And such is the life of me


morgan said...

did you know... you were in a really good mood yesterday?! ;)

yea... i was feeling pretty confident since the other team was pretty much terrible. that, and i had the advantage of longjohns and bra if needed. haha.

Astley said...

We need to celebrate my bday sometime. I want a big bday bash like everyone else!

Stupid summer bday :S

-J said...

Glad to see you in a better mood. (To be honest I haven't talked to you in three weeks, so I never noticed).

If you want something to do over that last boring week. I can lend you a video game that will occupy your life for a week and it will end with you smashing the DVD into tiny bits, becuase its such a confusing game

Holly said...

Neal, I totally feel your pain about the extra days. This is going to be the longest week...