Monday, December 05, 2005

A Concertful Weekend

So this weekend was the OCncordia Christmas Concert...

By all accounts it was a huge success, and the feedback has been mostly positive (I apologise for everyone who had to sit through the 20 minute community chorus song with the 5 minute amen ending... I apologise even more for those of you who sat through it twice)...

Thats all fine and dandy, but the fact remains, this is not the reason I am writing...

You see, something of interest happened at the concert...

The show started at 730, and relatively proptly... By the time we were into the first community chorus song, the show had been running for more than a few minutes...

The community chorus sits in the upper balcany (there are far too many to seat them all up at the front of the church)... It's kinda hard to understand if you've never been to McDougal, but take my word for it... The place where the community chorus is hard for the audience to see, but very easy for those of u sitting on the front stage to see)

Anyways, in walks a slightly confused looking man, wearing (from my distant view) a hobo looking jacket, jeans, and a bright red shirt...

He paces around the church during the songs for a bit, looking lost and helpless, carrying a plastic grocery bag with god only knows what inside...

He ends up in the upper balcany, whist the community chorus sings away...

I'm think "SECURITY!!!!!!" but I simply sit and stare as the scene before me unfolds...

The man meanders around a little bit, looking ever more puzzled by his current situation...

He paces back and forth a few times, walks up and down the balcany stairs a few times...

Then he sets his bag down on a pew, and reaches inside, pulling out a few crumpled pieces of paper...

He now shuffles in close to the soprano section of the choir (while in mid song)...

Staring intently at the paper he begins to mouth words which bear no resemblance to the words being sung...

He shifts between lloking at the paper and looing in the direction of the conductor.... Looking confused still...

He returns to his bag... Pulls out more paper...

The song ends...

He wanders around the choir... Finally finding a seat in the tenor section....

For the rest of the concert he proceeds to stare at pieces of paper he pulls from his grocery bag like they are the most inteeresting thing in the entire world....

I was breaking out into hysterics up until this point... I, honest to god, thought some random person had just wandered in and tried to join the choir...

But I have the truth, as told to me by a friend...

Turns out the guy is a music student at my school who needs choir participation in order to pass his class... He seemed to think that not going to any of the rehersals, and showing up late for a concert would somehow equate to him getting credit for the choir...


odesa said...

Apparantly he thought the chorus was on the stage - someone told me he tried to go on the stage after US and Michael stopped him and asked him what he was doing. The guy said he was going to sing and Michael said "No, your not in the choir" and the guy got mad at him.
Where were you today?

neal said...

I felt sick, laid down for a nap (at about 1130)

woke up just before 5 with a headache and an alarm clock...

neal said...

I had set my alarm for 320 btw...

odesa said...

I still love you buddy - I was just worried about you

-J said...

Don't worry about the community chorus song, the solo was great, Micheal's a good conductor they did bringing him in, it gave you guys a sort of differant sound this year. Anyways I liked it. Last 10 minuetes of it I was in absolute bliss.

And just a note: for the community chorus 20 minuete song, from the people I talked to it was the fact that after the 5 minuete Amen ending the whole thing started again. If the convert choir had gone first It would have been better.

neal said...

I agree... ending with the 5 minute amen would have made more sense...

oh well..

Jenn said...

i counted 53 amens.

Alyson Sunny said...

I wish I would have been there to see that. Not just the concert but the guy who wanted to sing. Oh that is SO funny. I would have also liked to have watched your face and anyone elses in Choir to see their reaction. Maybe that is what i will do next year. come down for christmas early and sing in the concert. Giggle! HUGS*

morgan said...

i must've dozed off during the 'amens'... my roommate commented on them afterwards and i had NO idea what she was talking about... don't tell her. haha.
i employed the 'smile and nod' technique, rather than admit to that.

Anonymous said...

OMG! that was probably the coolest story I have ever read. like really, actually, the coolest story ever.

100 cool points 4 you!

morgan said...

rea, i'm doubting whether you actually have 100 cool points to give. it seems you give them out willy-nilly... BUT has anybody every really seen you receive any? hmm?

Jenn said...

i give regan 1000 cool points. she is the best fucking ever!!!

Anonymous said...

ha morgan take that! and yes i do have lots of cool points. 3457 right now, thank you very much.... and yes i do keep track! thank you very much, and no i am not a nerd!

ps. jenn is amazing