Monday, December 19, 2005

A Few More Days

It's only a few more days before I go back to Surrey...

Tomorrow I have nothing planned... so I'm hoping things will happen...

Well, I have coffee in the morning (which is why Im wiritng this now instead of at 430 like I normally do)...

Other than that, there is nothing planned...

I'll probibly convince some friends to come play board games...

The high school kids have been playing a lot of board games the last few nights...

Monopoly and Risk!!!


I don't mean to offend anyone, but my opinion of you drops exponentially based on your enjoyment of risk...

And heaven forbid you say something stupid like

"[amazingly well balanced and entertaining game] is good but risk is better"

Anyone has said that and walked away from me unscathed is lucky to be alive...

Way worse than that time MattyK called Squee 'the bear'...

Oh, and by the way, Odesa and others, when you make those jokes about games being "just like monopoly" or "just like risk" or "just like a cross between risk and monopoly"... I laugh and pretend I'm in on the joke... But really, I'm thinking "how much of an inconvenience woulld it be for me to socially detatch myself from you for the next quater decade?"


I should head to bed... I'm getting sleepy (oh god... Im getting sleepy... just like the infidels i make fun of mercilessly)


odesa said...

No inconvenience at all

Alyson Sunny said...

You know what a perfectly fun game is that my brother bought.. Apples to Apples, but you need to play it with a whole bunch of people. And also one called Things. Its fun, lots of laughter lots of noice. Perfect for the Bosch house.

Have a great Christmas. *HUGS*

-J said...

I'm assuming you're just playing normal risk. well anyways, It can be boreing. I think you need to introduce them to something I a little more orginal, hide the risk and monopoly boards. Play them in a game of like (Insert interesting game name here)[I don't actually know of many interesting board games anymore so I might just pop in sometime this week.]

any ya

Anonymous said...

whats jenns msn??? anyone anyone???

Anonymous said...

oh anonymous = regan

neal said...

I'd prefer to not post it here...

I emailed it to you...

Share said...

jo & i had pepperoni and fetta pizza last night.

we had a moment of silence for you.

morgan said...

merry christmas sleepyhead! :)