Tuesday, December 27, 2005

'Excuse Me' Does Not Make You polite

So I'm working today... and I mean really working... (it was so dead so maybe working is a lie... 'really working' is most definately a lie... but I digress)

Anwyays... So I'm earning a pay cheque standing around and occasionally taking money from people...

Then all of a sudden, theres a line of people... SoI'm serving customers (surprise)... In the middle of a transaction I hear a loud, slightly SE asian accent, say "excuse me"... I look up to see a guy kinda half pushing his way past the people in line... I of course, ignore him... If it's not important, he can wait his turn.. if it was important he would have been a little more forceful in his attempt to garnish my attention...

I continue couting the handful of change thats been handed for me (it always seems that right after christmas, more people pay for cigarettes with change from the cars)...

Again I hear "excuse me" followed by "do you have matches"...

So now I know its not important... and although we do have matches, they were not within arms reach, and I would ahve had to temporarily discontinued the transaction I was in to walk over and grab the matches and walk back to hand them to the guy... Now I don;t know about you, but when I'm being served I don't like it when employees drop what they're doing with me in order to serve some beligerant prick... Did I spell beligerant right... i dont think I did...


Knowing full well that if I campletely ignore him, he;s just going to continue being an annoying ass, I aknowledge him and say "yes we have matches"... I then go back to counting change...

"excuse me"

I ignore him

"excuse me"

I make eye contact in an 'oh no you didnt' kind of way... and then go back to counting..

"HELLO!?!?! Cna I get some matches?"

I'm thinking 'no' and I'm glaring at him like he;s the biggest asshole to evr step foot in the store... But I don't think he got it...

I finished counting the change...

And I start putting it in the register... coin by coin... every nickel, and every penny individually...

By this time, I thought for sure he would get the message... I mean, there would be no reason to do this unless you were trying to piss someone off... But he just goes back to "excuse me"'s like because I'm in retail I'm obviously mentally difficient, and he's used ot dealing with my sort...

I dunno...

some peoplem are dense..

I ended up giving him a pack of matches I know hada been wet at some point in the day (I accidentally spilled a bit of the water zi was using to clean and a few packs of matches had gotten wet)...

I hope that he didnt get his fix and was too embarassed (or too tired of dealing with my type) to come back inside...


Anonymous said...

oh i know that kind of person all too well.
"i want pooowk"
"sorry ma'am, you'll have to take a number, i'm with a customer right now"
"i want poowwwk"

Anonymous said...

hmm with all your stories there better be something cool happening on nyE!
hmmm, maybe i can be an annoying customer....