Tuesday, December 13, 2005

[Insert Prophetic Revelation Here]

So today has thusfar been as productive as anything else...

And by anything else, I mean absolutely nothing...

I have done nothing...

And by nothing I do of course mean that this is the most thought provolking thing I've done all day...

I went to starbucks this morning, and ordered my summer frappaccino drink... The barista seemed as confused as always, but it ended up tasting alright (even if the mocha drizzle was underneath the whipcream... honestly, who drizzles chocolate under the whip cream... really)


Saw a guy with his pants pulled up to his armpits... He wasn't as old as people normally are when they do that...

Well.. Actually, this is second hand information, as the person who I went out for coffee with is the one who notices the pant/armpitness... I turned around just in time to see that he didnt look old enough to be dressing like an old guy... but not to actually witness the pants (damn you service bar, damn you to hell!!!)

Then we got into the issue of 'Mom Jeans' a skit/faux commercial from SNL that made me almost die laughing once upon a time...

Mom Jeans

So despite having a completely unproductive day (damn do I ever have a lot of these) I did relearn my love of Sim City 4...

Now before you all think "OMG he's gonna revert back into angry hermit neal" just know that Sim City is not as intensive as the other games I play, and can be saved and quit at any time...

So I shouldnt have too many excuses for being a jerkface...

But so help me god, if you interrupt me in a game of DotA you WILL suffer the concequences...


So I need to go to greyhound and make sure that i can make it home for christmas... Should be fun...

I think thats about everything that has been happening in my life...

Like I said, completely unproductive...


-J said...


neal said...

its a custom game for warcraft 3gf

Astley said...

Let me know if you want me to drive you to Greyhound (or wherever).
Oh, and Odesa and I want to get together with you to play some boardgames next week when exams are over. If I can convince my mom, we could have it at my house (with the new pool table, air hockey table, and new basement look)!

Anonymous said...

taht was the first time i've ever seen that "mom jeans" thing... and i'd like to say, it made my cry.
of course, i'd only like to say that, it didn't actually...
still funny though.
yay greyhound. w00t.

odesa said...

Hey Neal - if Christmas doesn't work out come to my place for English Christmas. You can help ease the family tension AND we can play board games! Your always invited to my place and we do have a spare room...

neal said...

Booked the ticket, I will be home saturday morning...

Which means I can put off all of my shopping... until saturday morning...

Saturday Dec 24th shouldnt be a busy day... right?

Anonymous said...

wouldn'tit be cheaper to fly with westjet or something rather than take the greyhound?

brent said...

Booking flights this late at Christmas is impossible for cheap (unless you fly Christmas day or in the a.m. on Jan 1)...

And yeah, Mom Jeans is both funny and really scary at the same time. Funny cause it's not me.

neal said...

flights to and from vancouver on the 23rd have not been lower than $200 for westjet or air canada since I started looking a month or two ago...