Friday, September 02, 2005

Alberta Centennial

For those of you who don't know, yesterday was the 100th anniversary of alberta joining confederation...

There were fireworks!

As a kind of impromptu event, I took some of the University students out for celebratory beers...

It was kind of ironic, I am from southern BC, Vince is from northern BC, Mexico is, well, from mexico, and Undie is from germany...

We were celebrating a province to which none of us had any emotional attachment...

Our celebrating turned into an impromtu pub crawl... We ended up at quite a number of pubs and bars last night... Maybe more than we should have (judging by one of our party members dash to pay homage to the porcelain goddess)...

But our funny story of the evening:

Well, asides from the fact that we call Malte 'Undie' now... but you had to be there for that one...


We were sitting at a bar table, enjoying the conversations... All of us have done some major travelling, and we were comparing experiences in various places...

Then Undie noticed an attactive lady walking past the very very large bay window to which we were adjacent... We, being the inhebriated gentlemen we are, turned to gawk...

Just in time for her to bend over and have a large volume of half eating food products come flying out of her mouth...

She went down a few notches on the attractive scale...

She was there for a number of minutes, and a cab pulled up...

She stood up, got into the cab... As they were about to leave, she opened the door, leaned out, and let out a whole new wave of mucusy puke...

A few more notches down...

The cabbie, wanting nothing to do with vomit, got out of his car and helped her back out of the vehicle and set her down on the curb again...

He proceeded to drive off...

I can't say I've ever seen someone to drunk to cab home...

Oh well

1 comment:

Alyson Sunny said...

Yeah Alberta! Happy birthday to you!

Okay I am done!