Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A Week Began

So I'm chronicalling my life on my white board...

Well, not quite... I wouldn't bore the people in dorm that much, trust me... Instead I write most of my chronicals in here...

My first entry of the evening... I have no idea how to spell chronicals or chronicalling... And truth be known, I dont even feel the desire to look it up at dictionary.com or use spell check...

Go me, eh?

My corruption of dorm knows no end... One of the university guys is planning on getting his lip pierced this weekend...

I have no idea if I managed to persuade him or not, as he seems to have a thought of what to do.. But he invited me to come with him... I take that to mean "oh piercing God, have mercy on me"

Mayhaps Im reading a little bit too far into this...

My job is going well... I've decided to really look past the 'I'm being paid to hang out with people' aspect of things... Well, really, I've just chosen to ignore it...

Instead I'm focusing on the 'I'm gonna make dorm fun' things...

Although tonight I am going to go through the fridge and throw out everything that isn't labled...

Even if I know it was put in there tonight... If you could have only seen how grody the communal fridge gets through the year, you would understand why I have the need to routinely go through and toss things...

Actually I think I could paint a pretty good picture, so let me do as such:

It is a standard residential size fridge, in the common area, herin refferred to as the 'lounge fridge'...

Such fridge is open and available at all times for any persons to deposit perishable food so as to keep such perishables slightly less perished...

All involved in deposit and storage in regards to one 'lounge fridge' do so mainly with items purchased at the cafeteria establishment which we all frequent... This establishment provides all food in convenient styrofoam containers, which stack nicely in the 'lounge fridge'...

After several months of stacking, the containers at the bottom, become... well... a little less than edible...

Combined with the fact that most college aged male students have a mentality such that 'if no one else is going to clean it, neither am I'...

This results in an odor which can permiate through the asbestos in the walls and the floor, redering all three floors of this building with a god awful stench that takes a 4 month period (May-Sep) to clear...

Just in time for the cycle to begin once again...

So I put a sign on the door "if its not marked with a name and a date I will through it out"...

I opened the fridge today and found several unmarked styrafoam containers... They'll be gone once everyone has gone to bed...

Am I even spelling styrafoam right?

I am doing really well this year, as far as attendance goes...

I have atended and remained conscious in all of my classes thus far (be very proud... I made it through a 3 hour lecture on the outlines of what we will be covering in my Economics of Public Expenditure class)

I've already done homework as well...

And I'm already prepared for my lab tomorrow afternoon (gone are the days where I frantically cram information into my head 10 minutes before the lab so that I dont look like an idiot when I go for the wrong chemicals)...

Well, at least for this week...

Before I leave tonight, I'll let you all know that Red Bull is all I want for christmas, birthdays and as 'get well soon' presents...



Anonymous said...


It does not end after dorm life. You would not believe what I have found in my refrigerator. I think my daughters should take them to school for science fair projects. And, this morning, I found in the office fridge, someone’s salad that hopefully was from this year. Not a pretty sight.

Good post. Peace.


-J said...

I hate to Point this out, butyou are spelling styrofoam wrong, but I pretty sure what I wrote is not the way to spell it either


Unknown said...

Well since I'm one of your perfectionis friends...although spelling in your posts doesn't normally bother me because I'm laughing too hard, you asked for it this time...


Chronicles, Chronicling

Happy Spelling!

Unknown said...

I just noticed I made a mistake in my own spelling...I'm not so much a perfectionis as a perfectionist...
Oi vey!

Anonymous said...

Hey, where did my Kung Pao Chicken go? It was in the container dated February 5th, 2004.

neal said...

Sorry chang...

Your kung pao chicken started to grow chickens of its own...

Anonymous said...

hmmmm..... NEAL IS SOOO HOT....

Alyson Sunny said...

Regan how does Neal being Hot have anything to do with grossness of the fridge? It is gross I've seen it. *SHIVER*