Friday, September 23, 2005


Add two more guys to the piercing list...

They just left to get their ears pierced!

So far:

1 labret
1 horizontal lip
1 industrial
1 belly button
4 earrings (two guys, one in each ear)
and tomorrow a tongue

I'm such a good influence


Anonymous said...

shouldn't you be retreating?

Anonymous said...

... and a partridge in a pear tree.

-J said...

not to sound ignorant or anything, but whats a labret,

Anonymous said...

One entry found for labret.

Main Entry: la·bret
Pronunciation: 'lA-br&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin labrum
: an ornament worn in a perforation of the lip

Anonymous said...

what about my nipple piercing? i didnt know i could be forgotten so easily...wait hold on, do you have your ticket to my pity train?


Anonymous said...

I hope you're having fun retreating...but I miss your blogging neal...
We'll have to get me tattooed AND pierced when you come home next! :D I finally picked what I want...

neal said...

Matt: I'm only counting whats been done this year...

Warren: Hawt!!!

Shannon: What is it? What is it?

Anonymous said...

Tattoo: Hebrew word for "Faith" on right ankle. Hebrew word for "Grace" on left ankle.

Piercing: First I want one more hole in my right ear to make three in each ear. Then I'm thinking maybe the top cartilidge on each ear too. Maybe more...
