Monday, September 19, 2005

Never sleeping

So I attempted to go to bed early tonight...

Bet you cant guess how well that went...


Dorm life is interesting. I am still looking past the being paid to be friends thing... It's going well, and I started hanging out with people who aren't on my list (which works)... Mind over matter...

I should have slept a lot more today. I started getting nosebleeds... I usually only get nosebleeds when im really sleep deprived... Last April I had nose bleeds everyday... I hope they go away... I dont want to go on meds again...

I'm convinced that I'm the best RA to ever hit founders hall... I know, I know, my ego is too big blah blah blah, but I'm more personal than some and better ruling than others... Not much in either case, but I'm happy being the medium... I'm trying to get my boss to admit it, but he is trying that whole impartiality crap (after talking with former elementary and high school teachers, I can tell you, there is always a favourite)...

So my boss' not telling me either means 1) I am the favourite and he wants to keep the impartiality lie in place or 2) I am far from being the favourite and he laughs at me behind my back at my missguided attempts at being an RA...

Oh, and by the way, you all still need to email the VP Internal at ...

Sorry, quite the tangent there.

I went for coffee with one of the high school kids today, hope he's not reading this... it would be really hard to pretend its not him I'm about to talk about...

He's a great kid, and I'm very much impressed with how 'mature' he is (I use the term mature for lack of a better word... although I ' ' it because, after all, how mature can a high school boy be). Any one on one time with him is painless, and, surprisingly, enjoyable.

Now that he's blushing:

Knowing how much potential he has, I find it hard to listen through the grape vine...

Now, I know there is a lot to be said about rumours. I mean, anyone here who hasn't had their life/popularity/morality/self-esteem/etc jeopardized by rumours at one time in their life, feel free to raise your hands now...

... no one?

Didnt think so...

But I begin to think, what if one or two of these rumours is true...

Could he be that stupid?

I mean, I've done stupid things cuz of peer pressure... Lots of stupid things...

Oh well, I can't learn for him...

ON a lighter side of things... I found one of my favourite games from high school on sale at staples today... So I bought it (the game and both expansions for the 1/5th the price I paid for one of the expansions)...

I may or may not be getting my homework done over the next little while...

So much fun to remi... remini... remember...


Anonymous said...


What game? Roller coaster tycoon? Mine won't work on my new computer...

Bye bye!

neal said...

Heroes of Might and Magic

Anonymous said...


What High School do you RA for?


neal said...

for annonymitys sake (although I usually do a pretty piss poor job of it) I'd prefer not to disclose here...

Anonymous said...

ooOoo i had that one too! i loved it!

-J said...

I've never played it, is it fun, RTC was fun

neal said...

It is (was) really good for the time which is what created...

Anonymous said...

what stupid thing might that high school boy have done?

Anonymous said...

How old are these kids? Are you legally responsible for them?

neal said...

The 'kids' range from 15 to 36...

I use the term 'kids' loosely, as I'm sure you noticed...

I am, sort of, legally responsible for them... Although, primarily, my boss would be in charge of their well being and whatnot...

Although in the event of an emergency, I do believe I am allowed to act on their parents behalf...

The lines arent really drawn out, because the more it's understood, the more it could potentially be abused (and if you knew the calibre of RA's that have worked here in the past, you'd understand the potential for abuse of the system to occur)

-J said...

Ya know the funny thing with that is One of my friends is partially responcible for getting at least 2 of those RA's replaced(By replaced I mean relieved of their job) but that was 3 years ago, before you were an RA I think