Thursday, September 08, 2005

Slightly Less BItter

So I'm in the lab I needed to be in, and so I'm slightly less angry at Concordia...

I'm glad that things worked out in the end... but the idea that "just wait until next week when you can't register for other classes and we wont give you a refund" was the option initially presented is severly retarded...

I suppose its for the best...


-J said...

But hey, your now in lab you wanted, you've hopefully got the scheudual you wanted, and maybe just maybe you won't have to deal with "them" until next semester

Have fun

neal said...

Very true...

I just need to find a way to deal with Geoff (or is it Jeff) all the time...

His generally a little less liberal with handing out the bad news, and gives out a stronger 'I'm trying my best' vibe...

Astley said...

I have bad news. Paul S. was saying that shortly, Geoff will be taking a different job and won't be working registrar. At least not what he's doing now :0(

neal said...

If Geoff leaving the registrars office is supposed to be low key, then there are a whole lot of people that didn't get the memo...